On one hand chapos are very horny on main and very sex positive despite not having it, but on the other hand the volcel police send horny chapos off to horny jail and porn is exploitive.

    • Speaker [e/em/eir]
      4 years ago

      But what of the working conditions of the artists? Checkmate.

      • Peter_jordanson [doe/deer,any]
        4 years ago

        As an artist that makes porn part time with 4 years of experience: Working conditions can be shit especially at first; but living in a third world country ALL WORKING CONDITIONS FOR ARTISTS ARE A LOT SHITTIER HERE. There is a lot of talk about parasocial abuse against artists that make porn, but i've never been on the receiving end of that; just a couple of mildly creepy people. I think the worst part is the lack of benefits. But again, that's most artists not working fulltime for bigshot studios.

          • BASED_BALL [none/use name]
            4 years ago

            i dont know i dont actually watch porn i just wanna ironically hornypost and then go on grindr and instantly fuck some guy wno works from home because i am normal and have sex instead of subsuming my desires unto the deep neurosis of internet perversion

            anyways gonna go take a dick up the ass from a puerto rican bye