Curious where the majority of this site falls. No need to struggle or anything, I just wana see what y'all think.

  • GrouchyGrouse [he/him]
    4 years ago

    No because that's too many people to keep quiet. It assumes a level of power and control that would negate them even needing the theatrics of 9/11 to continue their "agenda."

    What do I think really happened? I think those rat fucks in the CIA were playing fast and loose funding all sorts of shit and there were connections between Saudi intelligence and the hijackers and since the Saudis operate with the CIA it means the CIA certainly had some idea about what was possible.

    As for the motives of the media I think they couldn't help themselves. They weren't in on some conspiracy for Bush, they were gawking and taking advantage of the situation to boost ratings. Everyone was glued to their TVs. The media absolutely began gaslighting the public by constantly bringing up the date. 9/11 was memorialized while the towers were still standing. Even today we rarely call it the "World Trade Center Attacks" but we all know "Nine Eleven" because it was drilled into our ears. They were manufacturing consent as they always do, but they weren't doing something special for the benefit of Dubya so the public wouldn't notice "these blurry jpegs of him rappelling down the side of Tower 7 two minutes before it collapsed" or whatever those nine hour youtube 9/11 Truther videos have going.

    As for the aftermath? The fascistic imperialist USA used the attack to advance a bunch of sweeping reforms which they had been working on for the last decade. I think they took full advantage of the situation. I do not think they manufactured the conditions. They were happy about the media furor and public outrage and they used it to get away with spying on their own citizens and advancing the Forever War. They got a free lunch, nothing more than that.