
Bonus: check out their profile (NSFW: politics and sexual pathology)

  • maccruiskeen [he/him]
    4 years ago

    I still remember going to McDonald's shortly after it opened. The employees were starving while McRibs rotted in the dumpsters. So why, do you ask, didn't they just not throw them away? The answer: because they would be fired if they didn't. This is a perfect example of what a "Capitalist" government does to people's mindset. Without organization and community, people quickly lose the ability to think and act for each other. Where dictatorship of the proletariat, and planned economy prevail, decent people learn that terms like "self-reliance" and "innovation" are bullshut buzzwords to make the bourgeoisie look important and necessary. Enought of these type skills [sic] to help care for others as well as themselves.