
Bonus: check out their profile (NSFW: politics and sexual pathology)

    • ARVSPEX [none/use name]
      4 年前

      Frequently Bought Together

      Adopted Asian Daughter

      The lovely story is about the sexual emancipation of a trouble Asian woman. Though singular and isolated, this is the existential cry of all Asian women, everywhere. This is how all Asian women--Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Thai or Taiwanese--should be treated. And let this story be the guiding post for all White men on how to properly treat East Asian women.

      Century of White Worship: Anthology of East Asian Women's Sexuality

      Sun Yat-sen once famously proclaimed, "The 21st Century will be the Chinese century", but I say, "The 21st Century is the century of White worship." As the Chinese, and East Asian in general, become more wealthy—which always means more interactions with westerners, more well educated—which means more westernized, and more civilized—which means more docile, more submissive, and more feminized and which also means more infatuated and indebted to the superior western civilization—for being civilized is being western-civilized; East Asian women will become more liberated, more successful, and more independent, and which in turn means that East Asian women will become more powerful and will have more voice in the daily workings of East Asian politics, economy, and public discourse. But East Asian women will always regard White Men as the most superior men, most suitable for mating, so that means, despite of all the progress, wealth, and power that East Asia accrues, East Asian women will always favor White Men over East Asian men and in fact this trend will just exacerbate in the 21st Century as East Asian men become more civilized, more passive and more insufferably effeminate—the sexual biology of females dictates that women everywhere desire more manly men, so then, well, does that not imply that, in the end, White Men will be the true beneficiaries of this newly discovered East Asian wealth; does that not imply that White Men will still be the most celebrated, most highly desired men; does that not imply that, despite of all the clamor about the 21st Century being the Chinese Century, the 21st Century will actually become the Century of White Men and East Asian women, or, to put it more bluntly, the Century of White worship, for who else worship White Men as feverishly, as fervently, and as earnestly as East Asian women?

      :michael-laugh: :hahaha: :che-laugh: :michael-laugh: :hahaha: :che-laugh: