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    • LeninsRage [he/him]
      4 years ago

      I remember way back when in an episode (can't remember which or when it was specifically) Matt had a somewhat controversial take.

      Like after Charlottesville there was a hysteria of the left that these Trump supporters truly were a paramilitary army in waiting, that any day now Trump would call them to arms and these brownshirts would march in the streets and institute a fascist terror. In hindsight we now know that Charlottesville was the real high-water mark for the neo-Nazis and "alt-right" LARPers and they have since faded into total irrelevance.

      Matt's take was informed by this hindsight and he basically made fun of this hysteria, saying these Trump freaks are some of the laziest and most spoiled babies in the heart of empire and there's absolutely zero chance these fat entitled dipshits would ever actually put their money where there mouths were. And now it's proven beyond shadow of a doubt that that's correct. Their highest conception of praxis is literally just posting about all the courageous shit they'll totally do on the internet (which hits its apotheosis with the QAnon freaks), and maybe they'll go out and hold some signs or block a street with their obnoxious trucks decked out with massive flags. That's it.

      • invalidusernamelol [he/him]
        4 years ago

        High water mark for Qanon: <500 totally disorganized

        High water mark for the left: >100k all over the world uniting behind a movement for black lives

        They are non existent, they are literally a paper tiger that the media likes to blow out of proportion with hopes that more people will join.

        • LeninsRage [he/him]
          4 years ago

          QAnon is much larger than you give it credit for but luckily they are a terminal case of engaging with politics as spectator sport.

          Theres three types of QAnon freak: Grifter, Spectator, and True Believer. The last of them is the rarest and most dangerous. Not saying the Spectators don't genuinely believe their bullshit, but the True Believer is one who will act on their supposed insider information, like the guy who actually went and shot up Comet Ping Pong to save the children while the Mike Cernoviches and Jack Posobiecs were just posting about it.

          • invalidusernamelol [he/him]
            4 years ago

            The True Believers are few and far between. The only threat they pose is as an extension of the police like the Proud Boys were during the protests

        • Grimble [he/him,they/them]
          4 years ago

          If it weren't for a handful of necromorphs dumping billions of dollars into each of their movements, combined with the CIA constantly stamping out ours, they would barely exist.