It's especially good to have a place where people who justify loli porn get fucking banned
That's the goal! We're going to be fairly close-knit for a while I think but it's a marathon not a sprint. As long as we tighten up as a community and make the effort to engage with each other and posts we'll ride out the long term and grow into a strong all-round community. The key is in consistency.
I made fun of a rather prolific fan artist on /r/anime because they kept drawing underage girls, and a different fan artist called me a horrible person because I made light of that. Nothing I said was particularly mean either. Weebs really do have a pedo problem is my point.
There are probably reddit anime communities that are nice and more active than this one.
Individual communities for shows tend to be okay, and much better at policing she shittier parts of the community. Mostly it's out of a direct need for harsher enforcement of rules. Like how the Dragon Maid subreddit is really explicit against any kind of Loli sexualization for obvious reasons
r/trueanime used to be good years back, but then drama happened and everyone worth talking to either quit or migrated to the Pause and Select discord.
Which is to say, the Pause and Select discord is pretty cool.