International Monetary Fund (IMF) researchers see the possibility of using the data from your browsing, search, and purchase history to create a more accurate mechanism for determining the credit rating of an individual or business.
There's no way this could work without exploit. Literally what's stopping people from googling rich white liberal shit like "Ruth Bader Ginsberg Funko Pops" or "Houses for sale in [bougie ass neighborhood]" or "r/neoliberal" and watching their credit score go through the roof?
There's no way this could work without exploit. Literally what's stopping people from googling rich white liberal shit like "Ruth Bader Ginsberg Funko Pops" or "Houses for sale in [bougie ass neighborhood]" or "r/neoliberal" and watching their credit score go through the roof?
Yeah this sounds really scary but actually I think it's just another episode in the long running series "old white men do not understand the internet"
Because that sort of browsing over a long period of time being believable, combined with PC fingerprinting and location data isn't feasible.