That's less accurate than if you just fired a shotgun at it then labelled the holes at random
Nothing says "liberal left" than an old man who is literally infallible when speaking from a throne.
I think most leftists already are infallible when speaking from our porcelain thrones.
Wouldn't an anarchist pope be obligated to quit as soon as they get the position? Or is an anarchist pope just the anarchist who's the best at being ungovernable?
Putting Trump and Marx next to each other is an obvious troll, come on man!
I think it might be genuine since they made a long comment about how Marx would be closer to ancap if he were alive today
There are brainworms and then there is whatever hydra is inhabiting whomever made this's brain.
I saw Pool in the bottom left and it cursed my family, yea unto the 1000th generation. Don't let it happen to you! PCM, not even once.
I heard chud's say he's a centrist, and unless I'm thinking of someone else p sure thedonand called him a communist too