you are very wrong, but i am very interested in your thesis

edit: also trips

  • PaulWall [he/him]
    4 years ago

    I think there’s a line we can toe to where we still publicly flog ourselves when one of us says some reactionary shit; however, we have to understand it as a flogging in order to correct the behavior rather than flogging for flogging’s sake. I’m not trying to modulate or regulate anyone’s behavior here, I just think that we should consider it the community self-flogging itself. Obviously there are times when it is necessary to flog someone and then ban then also; however, i don’t think this is one of those times so the situation should probably be handled as critique or flogging of a comrade rather than an enemy (as long as said comrade repents for the reactionary offensive when the flogging is over of course)

    (i don’t think you did anything wrong really, nor would it be my place to say so if you did; i’m just adding a thought onto the thread i suppose)

    • kristina [she/her]
      4 years ago

      meh. easy to say if youve never experienced what ive experienced.

      • PaulWall [he/him]
        4 years ago

        yeah i can understand that totally, i was once like him so my experience causes me to try to guide them out of the r*ddit mentality. sometimes i get totally burned and they waste hours in stupid threads, this one had a pretty quick turnover rate though actually

        • kristina [she/her]
          4 years ago

          yeah and unfortunately we didnt get into a deeper level talk (mostly because i hate talking about things like this except when in a certain mindset). theres many levels of why his opinion is wrong that i didnt get into mostly because he implied i was being abused by my boyfriend, who i love very much. first of all bdsm helps rape victims a lot, and its something that comes up in support meetings regularly and its a very awkward thing for anyone to admit liking in the first place, being a rape victim. its especially hard to admit in places outside of support meetings because people will start to blame you for being raped and so on even though the two have no connection. an issue with being raped is that you can get ptsd of it, which means you can get body feelings of someone touching you, holding you down, etc. completely randomly or with a trigger. bdsm helps with the body feelings by introducing those feelings but in a positive context. of course, you can only do this when in a good state of mind and with a partner that is very good at listening, but it can be very therapeutic and a way to get those feelings out of your mind.

          • PaulWall [he/him]
            4 years ago

            Wow, I did not know that! That is truly fascinating from multiple points of view. That sounds like something I would hear Zizek talking about in reference to Lacan and Hegel. There is a lot of discursive meat to be had in that phenomenon, you are right.