• PhaseFour [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Do you really think all that shit that you think came from “lesser evilism” wouldn’t have happened just as bad or worse under Republicans though? If you do, and the workers in your city do, they are ignorant of reality.

    Hillary endorsed TPP. I'm not reading the rest of this post if you are going to call workers ignorant for listening to exactly what Hillary said. Fuck off.

    "Lesser evil" does not map one-to-one onto the Democratic Party. Often Democrats can do more fucked up shit under the guise of "liberal humanitarianism."

    • autismdragon [he/him, comrade/them]
      4 years ago

      Your very, very specific example of Hillary/Trump and the TPP is true. I was referring to Democrats and Republicans in general, and their policies in general. You're the one who's fixated on one thing.

      • PhaseFour [he/him]
        4 years ago

        I was referring to Democrats and Republicans in general, and their policies in general. You’re the one who’s fixated on one thing.

        NAFTA, 94 Crime Bill, Glass Steagal, Libyan invasion, Syrian invasion, Fracking, etc. You can be the one to convince victims of these policies that the Repiblicans would have been worse. That is impossible to prove.

        • autismdragon [he/him, comrade/them]
          4 years ago

          OK I can be 100% confident than Republicans would have been worse on 94 Crime Bill and fracking, and anything else "law and order" and environment related. I don't care that it's technically impossible to prove, its very obviously true to anyone who pays the slightest bit of attention to Republican rhetoric and votes.

          NAFTA is the same as TPP. Trump was an aberration on being better about free trade shit, any other Republican president would have been as bad or worse. And the Republicans in congress are nearly all as bad or worse. If you think Trump is a lesser evil on the whole because of of free trade, you're incredibly single issue.

          Forpo stuff is more like, they're both evil as hell and they'll do different individual actions than the other might not have done but you basically dont know what you're going to get with forpo so its barely even worth considering who's the lesser evil on that front. Like yeah technically you can't know if McCain would have invaded Libya but you also didn't know that Obama was going to do that in '08 so its just like, there's no point in trying to figure out who's going to be worse on that front. Technically I think its possible to claim that four years of Hillary would have been worse forpo wise than 4 years of Trump was, even though by your own logic its impossible to prove that, but that's like... entirely because of Trump being an incompetent which isn't actually a point in his favor. His incompetence, and his pettiness, and his entire personality could have easily lead to the opposite result. We just sorta lucked out that it didn't.