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  • Fakename_Bill [he/him]
    4 years ago

    I really like the old Twin Peaks from the early 90s. Couldn't tell you specifically why, it's just so unique and surreal in a really cool way. Sure, it has its dated elements, but what media from that time doesn't?

    • supermangoman [he/him, they/them]
      4 years ago

      For me, I think it was at its peak (pun possibly intended) when the occurrences were questionably supernatural. It made it feel more real, and kept me more invested.

      I think the older stuff was more character driven as well, which I preferred.

      However, the second season went all in on the supernatural angle. So I think The Return was right to go all in on batshit insanity. Twas definitely entertaining.

      I just wish it moved a bit faster, or had more episodes. I really wanted to understand its mythology better.

      Edit: also I don't feel like The Return was devoid of "fanservice," whatever that might mean.

        • supermangoman [he/him, they/them]
          4 years ago

          Yeah I agree, I liked how the characters were still, y'know, themselves, but were still evolutions. Compared to say, The Force Awakens, where Han Solo has reverted to his A New Hope self for "fanservice" or what have you.

          Edit: I need to watch it again, I only saw it once. Also still haven't seen "Fire Walk With Me" so I'm probably a bad Twin Peaks fan haha

          • luka467 [they/them,he/him]
            4 years ago

            Fire Walk With Me is amazing, possibly Lynch's best work. I'd also recommend finding an extended cut of it, since it originally had 4.5 hours of material filmed, which was then cut down to 2.5 to make it more like a movie. Because of this, certain characters don't show up (which is fine in my opinion, it's Laura's (and to an extent, Teresa Banks') story, so the focus should be on them), but also bits that are pretty central to better understanding the film and mythology of Twin Peaks were cut, as well as half the scenes with Bowie in them, which are important for the Return.

            The film is quite depressing, given how you pretty much know what's going to happen, and seeing Laura really struggling with finding out who BOB is and then trying to self medicate is really sad, especially when you see scenes of her in some of the lighter moments. What I also love is how seamlessly (because I watched everything in order right away when I first saw Twin Peaks) things fit, almost like it was planned out from the beginning. At the same time, you also have Cooper, who is basically in the same place as where the original run finishes, whereas while some of the rest of the characters have had 25 years pass, but are largely in the same places we left them.

  • deadtoddler420 [any]
    4 years ago

    Lost Highway is also fantastic, ends on a song from the best Bowie album and the mystery man is a fuckin great Lynch character.

    I wish Kubrick was still alive and David Chase got to make more things. The way the three of them could push dreamy films forward, man. Itd be fuckin nice.

  • Doc14 [she/her]
    4 years ago

    I've seen most of his films except Mulholland drive and Blue Velvet, I would say that the little detail that sticks out to me the most is where Eraserhead cooks with his family and they cook the "little chickens" which squirt goop out of them, and their catatonic grandmother.

  • Darthsenio_Mall [he/him]
    4 years ago

    I've seen most of the films but not Dune, Mulholland, or Inland Empire. I got em downloaded, just waiting for the right mood. Blue Velvet is my favorite. There's some subtle but particularly striking audio effects that I still think about. Like distorted reverb on the bad guy's voice that you don't notice at first but contributes to how unsettling certain scenes are. There's also a part where a character opens a switch blade and light glints off the blade right as the sh-shink of it opening echos a couple times. It isn't in an environment where there should be any echo or a reflection, but i think the idea might be to sort of convey the phenomenon of weapon focus to the viewer and it's just really impressively effective and cool without being distracting.

    Wild at Heart was awesome and ridiculous. Nicholas Cage sings and Sherilyn Fenn/Audrey from Twin Peaks has a minor but very disturbing part that low key still haunts me, like I probably think about it and shudder once a week.

    I started watching Twin Peaks like two months ago and damn dude, I've loved every second, even the weird cheesy season two stuff. I'm only like 6-7 episodes into The Return at the moment but wow, what a thing. Bummed Donna didn't come back for season 2 and apparently just ceased to exist entirely for the Return but it's also truly amazing to have the vast majority of the cast back 25 years later to continue the story.

      • Darthsenio_Mall [he/him]
        4 years ago

        Yes! I've noticed really nuanced sound design in I think all the Lynch stuff I've seen, it really seems like it's something he must be constantly aware of.

  • Fuck [he/him,comrade/them]
    4 years ago

    Should I try twin peaks the return again? I really enjoyed the beginning of twin peaks, but felt like the quality fell off after the murderer was revealed, and I felt like the return was completely devoid of that quality. I only watched the first 5 or 6 episodes though

  • TheModerateTankie [any]
    4 years ago

    Lost Highway is my favorite. It's probably the most similar to Mullholland Drive.