I'd guess you can use that $600 to rent a woodchipper for a day or two. Woodchippers are, I think, much more efficient. And the fear factor is undeniable. Imagine you're in minecraft, standing in line, each billionaire in front of you one by one dropping all their diamonds as they are shoved in. You know your time is soon. All those diamonds you stole from villagers... you're about to lose them all.
I'd guess you can use that $600 to rent a woodchipper for a day or two. Woodchippers are, I think, much more efficient. And the fear factor is undeniable. Imagine you're in minecraft, standing in line, each billionaire in front of you one by one dropping all their diamonds as they are shoved in. You know your time is soon. All those diamonds you stole from villagers... you're about to lose them all.
Are wood chippers prepared for soft tissues that might paste up the mechanisms?
If they can chip a tree they can chip a billionaire
Yeah but you know chainsaws don't fare well cutting meat.
Tell that to Bob Berdella
that's what the mummification pyramids are for
Why would you give home depot money?