Only Felix had a few good words for it - the rest retreated into lame doomed crap as though it’s only theatre.

Fuck that! Make Pelosi sweat! Fuck shit up and push hard now, while public support for M4A is peaking.

  • ColinInk [any]
    4 years ago

    Force a vote then campaign like buggery - especially directed at the offices of those unlikely to support it.

    Swarm their offices and their speaking events with sick, broke people needing care.

    Make a big fucking deal of it.

    Strikes require union leaders, and many of them are now supervising medical funds. Can you swarm their offices too? With people who were once members of their unions and are now sick and broke and need care?

    • Zuzak [fae/faer, she/her]
      4 years ago

      Then fucking do that anyway! If you can leverage the power to get M4A passed by exerting power outside of electoral politics, then it doesn't fucking matter whether AOC negotiates to force a vote! Why the fuck would that whole campaign hinge on what AOC does?

      • ColinInk [any]
        4 years ago

        I have not mentioned those three initials here, at all.

        This is about me wanting to cheer on you guys in a fight.

        • Zuzak [fae/faer, she/her]
          4 years ago

          I have not mentioned those three initials here, at all.

          Ah, I see. So we were talking about whether, I don't know, Ted Cruz should try to pressure Pelosi to hold a M4A vote. And hey, you know, I never actually used the words "Medicare for all" so this whole time I was talking about a program I call "Marshmallows for Albert." There's this guy Albert who I think really deserves some marshmallows, you see.

            • Zuzak [fae/faer, she/her]
              4 years ago

              Yeah, it is pretty silly to play dumb and pretend that you're not talking about something that you clearly are just because you didn't say the words, isn't it?

              • ColinInk [any]
                4 years ago

                Alright, so AOC is best placed to gather a group to force a vote. So what?

                • Zuzak [fae/faer, she/her]
                  4 years ago

                  I think you lost the thread of the discussion.

                  The point is that if we have the power to apply enough external pressure to get M4A passed, then we can just use that pressure to get it passed regardless of some procedural nonsense.

                  Suppose, hypothetically, that there was a massive general strike that shut down the country, and politicians were left with no choice but to give in to demands. Or maybe we have a campaign capable of making serious primary challenges to anyone who votes against it. If that were to happen, then it wouldn't matter whether or not AOC had negotiated a floor vote or not, because we could make demands of Pelosi and the Dems directly.

                  So this stuff about "The vote can succeed, we just have to back it up with a movement" is kind of nonsense because if we could back it up with a movement then we could just do that regardless of whether AOC does what you want. Which is why it's dumb to have all these pointless discussions about a pointless vote instead of discussing actual plans that have more than a 0% chance of working.

          • ColinInk [any]
            4 years ago

            Every Albert I know deserves marshmallows too.