Jacobin socialists love Walmart and hate anything that cuts through the idealist bullshit of the middle class.

A left that only knows how to shame, call out, privilege-check, and diagnose the allegedly unsavory motivations of people who disagree with us will lose a lot of persuadable people whose material interests should put them on our side.

this bloodless dork puts scare quotes around "allegedly unsavory motivations" (read Settlers) and yet turns on a dime to LARP as a woke redpilled Marxist who has analyzed peoples material interests and somehow knows they're comrades.

When you've succumbed to pure ideology, it makes you so bad at your job that even a logic nerd is forced to put an obvious contradiction in the same sentence!

  • BOK6669 [none/use name]
    4 years ago

    Privilege is clearly a thing, but I don't trust the use of that word and the presentation of the idea in the hands of white upper middle class/rich people.

    Nothing is worse than being told you're privileged than by someone who learned about Marxism by reading about it and having a curiousity about ideology/politics rather than someone who intuited it by having a hard life.

    Personally, I've had much more success building friendships, pushing people towards communities where leftist ideas exist organically and showing strong evidence what I believe - over bludgeoning someone over the head with insults.

    People in real life don't make fucking sense and are full of contradictions, assuming their motivations and insulting them first is just going to make them close up and make you look like you a weirdo that spends too much fucking time online. Thinking that social interaction is dumb and not wanting to understand it makes you dumb.

    I don't think he's saying "Deny that these things exist and say right wing shit" but he's saying "You live in reality and messaging is important because people are complex, and in general, fragile."

  • svsd343 [none/use name]
    4 years ago

    I think there is a real widening recruiting gap that became crystalized during the protest when you had pseudo black panthers doing instagram photo ops and then the real black militia shows up, but they are no longer leftist. I don't think it is as simple as the left talks about privilege and it alienates people, but I dunno, it's like the left is just very uncomfortable with popular anger. Then when you have a situation like a popular uprising where you actually do need a bunch of angry young men to go fight, any effort in that direction clashes with the internal culture and scares people.

    • truth [they/them]
      4 years ago

      It's almost like the upswell of activism in the wake of Bernie pulls from a section of the working class that is particularly liberal and squishy

  • truth [they/them]
    4 years ago

    God I cannot read this article. Jesus, it is so self-absorbed.

  • truth [they/them]
    4 years ago

    So this is part of what’s wrong with a lot of the discourse surrounding “privilege” on the left. Just because some form of epistemic privilege coincides with a person holding to a particular belief doesn’t ipso facto suggest anything about that belief’s reasonableness.

    Okay, maybe this is technically true, but that isn't to say that a person who is subconsciously forming opinions that would center their material interests, and those material interests being based on the oppression of others, would potentially influence then to a position that is unfeasible for any sort of democratic decision.

    He's saying that blind spots don't matter essentially. What a ridiculous argument from someone telling you how to fly a plane.

    • sourcesaregoodfolks [none/use name]
      4 years ago

      He’s saying that blind spots don’t matter essentially.

      Yeah, like when a k-hive person calls you a white Bernie bro and you need to check your privilege they always have a valid reason for saying so and it isn’t just to shutdown debate.

      Maybe before we assume the worst of this guy we can, I dunno. Give him the most basic of good faith assumptions?