100 years ago, rednecks were badass. If their boss didn't pay them enough or treat them right, they'd burn down the factory and destroy their means of distribution. If the police or government didn't like it, well, they're dead cops.

Now rednecks are all like "b-b-b-back the blue..." What the fuck happened to rednecks?

  • spectre [he/him]
    4 years ago

    I used to live in a medium/large city that (very) successfully gentrified itself, and now that coronavirus and the resulting effects is discouraging urban life (not to mention that things were declining before this last year), a significant amount of the population is going to move not just to the suburbs or wherever, but probably "back home" or to Denver or wherever the New York Times travel/lifestyle sections start hyping up next. That's the thing that happens when you fill your city or town with people that have no roots or connection, they're just gonna leave you in the dust when times get tough. The economic boom that happened during the 2010 recovery is going to reveal itself for what it was (insubstantial and temporary), and the city might end up an overbuilt husk of what those of us who have roots in the city/region imagined it would be.

    Not totally related, but your comment about trying to gentrify reminded me of that. Liberals will talk about these sorts of project as "community investment" or something, when they're really just investing in outsiders, further weakening their community.