Fucking bizarre

  • Main [he/him]
    4 years ago

    You’re right it is weird and I know that false flag attacks definitely happen. It was suspected that the Nova Scotia shooter a few years back was an intelligence asset. I didn’t say the Nashville definitely a false flag but the idea that someone wouldn’t do a false flag with no obvious target is not true. They haven’t come out with a motive or blamed anyone yet. We don’t know anything yet. When they blame someone and show a motive and start showing evidence is the time to pick it apart. My original comment said it could be a false flag attack, a 5G crank, or just getting rid of a used up asset. Any of those are plausible at this point. They disrupted AT&T service which seems like a 5G crank, it was a suicide bombing which could be getting rid of an asset, it was also very strange which could give some credence to a false flag attack. Those are all possibilities, we know nothing at this point it’s all speculation. For all we know it could’ve been a diversion and the fact that it disrupted air traffic control and 911 calls allowed for something else to be carried out without an easy ability for it to be reported on. Literally no one knows anything. Anything is possible.