Sksksks 😂😂 not being able to afford rent is just you not vibing right.
Bangladeshis chakras are out of line and thats why they work in sweatshops 😊
The invention of the soul and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race
Christianity is at least 2000 years old so its not exactly recent
Reality is increasingly enclosed so people have to make due with what they have left which is just their headspace
I think it's a largely a product of the massively ramped up isolation that people are feeling because of the pandemic. I have trouble keeping grounded with reality myself these days.
i personally really like german idealism, like fichte. it's a cool way to explain consciousness that doesnt rely on physical reality, since that is pretty difficult to reconcile with the concept of "soul".
inb4 anyone tells me that morality goes away doing this, pfft, morality was never a grounded thing to begin with.
Oh well it doesnt mean i can still believe in historic materialism
Tbh I kinda feel it, especially during quarantine realities Every bodies at different places, were all struggling in one way or another