• Washburn [she/her]
    4 years ago

    If you drive a lot, keep a road atlas in your car. You'll probably never need it, but if you do, you'll be damn glad you've got it.

    People you've never met before, or who you haven't talked to in years, being really pushy about offering you a job, or a "moneymaking opportunity" are trying to scam you. They may not even know that that's what they're doing, but it is. Some of the biggest scam conpanies are Herbalife, ItWorks, Vector, Young Living, YouNique, Scentsy, and Amway.

    You can get a job quick at a temp agency. It'll be shitty, and the agency may very well make it a point of pride fucking over the workers employed through them, but it's income.

    If you don't already, learn how to use at least salt, pepper, and garlic powder when cooking.