This is mostly a serious question. Also, not for the tankies/MLs. I already know what your answer to that question is. I may not always agree with you on everything, but you do have an answer that if the conditions became right, could actually work.

No, this is for the type of anarchist completely against the wall, gulags, seemingly any amount of getting hands dirty. What is the solution to those types of people? There are so many of them in the US, a lot of which are heavily armed, that they could easily topple a socialist system, and even if they didn't do that, their existence would be incompatible with any marginalized group living their lives, since they love to harass them at best, outright murder them at worse. So what's the solution? Anarchists often seem to avoid this, seemingly believing that if there was a socialist or communist society, they would just say "aw shucks, guess I was wrong about that. Guess I'll no longer be racist or xenophobic!"

So am I missing something, what's the answer?

  • infuziSporg [e/em/eir]
    4 years ago

    You get shot if you disobey your commander.

    That's a bit of a reach. You get reprimanded and possibly dismissed if you disobey your commanding officer.

    I know I told myself years ago I'd stop playing this infantile game of debating the best way for things to work in an idealized Revolutionary future... but I feel like the concept of "we shouldn't have a class of people who have permanent, structural, and total power over other classes of people" should not be controversial to any socialist. Ex.: You are elected to a military tactical command post; you are subject to recall by those you command; your authority does not extend outside of combat engagements, you are not particularly valued more than the doctor you go to see.

    I'm not going to go into worldbuilding and paint it all out for you, there will inevitably be a wide variety of forms, some of which are more worth adhering to than others.