I'm sorry for the moments typo, its 3am here and I am very tired

  • T_Doug [he/him]
    4 years ago

    It's absolutely a "Trump can still win moment"; one which would only have a slim chance of succeeding if the Courts, States, and Congressional GOP all stood steadfast behind the attempt, none of which do.

    Basically, the Electors have already voted (On December 14th) when Biden won the majority of Electoral votes, so now the only formal box left to check is for Congress to "count" those votes. This is a purely ceremonial step in which the V.P opens envelopes from each State indicating who their electors voted for, adds the results together, and then reaffirms the count.

    With literally no other option left, the CHUD's believe their last hope is for the GOP in contested states where Biden won (PA, GA, AZ, etc.) to send a dual slate of Trump electors to D.C. This is due to their idea that if two sets of electors are sent by a state, that state's election becomes disputed, and Pence would then gain the power to choose which set to count. Thus, if Pence only counts the Trump electors, Trump wins.

    This is, of course, absurd. The legal Electors from each states have already been certified by their governors and legislators ( here's an example of that certification ), as such, those states' elections cannot be considered disputed by any definition. The electoral college has the legal authority to choose the President (and they have unequivocally chosen Biden) meaning there is no legal standing for Pence to unilaterally ignore that result. In any case, for a disputed state's election result to be overturned, both chambers of Congress need to agree, obviously the House would not do so, and McConnell has told his caucus to recognize Biden as President.

    The inevitability of this attempts failure has become evident to many Trump supporters, as such, January 6th is increasingly referring to their planned march on Washington on that date, in which they now hope to overthrow the U.S government and/or force Congress to make Trump President. I can't see the Ski-Doo dealers who'll make up the march's base actually following through with a literal violent revolution in one of the most militarized zones on the planet. I expect them all to be disappointed when on January 6th; the march fails to live up to their expectations, and Pence certifies the vote.

    Since the election you've seen the GOP leadership, and aligned judges, abandon Trump. His biggest opportunity to overthrow the election came with the Texas SCOTUS case, but that failed spectacularly. At this point, the gap between the rhetoric and actions of the GOP regarding fighting Biden's inauguration makes clear that they're mostly engaging in a pretend fight in an attempt to placate and retain the ranks of fervent Trump supporters. Make no mistake, McConnell and Gorsuch likely look down upon the hooting CHUD's with just as much disdain as any coastal journalist.

    • Phat_Joe [he/him,none/use name]
      4 years ago

      So it's mostly just chuds being the dumbest fucking people on the planet per usual. Almost got worried there for a moment.

    • SerLava [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Also, also, if they were dumb enough to actually try to gum up the works, not settling on a president, the constitution specifically grants Nancy Pelosi the presidency.