Through extrapolation we will have 1 billion Amish by 2030.

If we can use their anti-consumerist culture to convert them into anarcho-primitivists, we can have a powerful ally.

  • queenjamie [none/use name]
    4 years ago

    Jesus some of these takes on the Amish in this thread are pretty much what right-wingers say about "muzzlims" and "Afghan savages": "They don't treat their women well! They abuse animals! We don't want them as allies!"

    Applying colonialist, imperialist, and orientalist attitudes in the domestic sphere.... and applying it to a group of people who are just as "white" as the majority... seems like this has happened before... hmmm I think there's a word for that ... 🤔

    Just gonna say it as a POC who's interacted with Amish/Mennonites for my entire life: the Amish are faaar better allies than many of the so-called white "leftists."

    • fratsarerats [none/use name]
      4 years ago

      Yeah for real. Just imagine how they feel about people from other cultures. This is some liberal Karen style racism shit.

      • sederqueer [none/use name]
        4 years ago

        It's worse than that: it's actually not that much different from anti-semitism on the left. It's ironic that there was a whole thread about it, but when it comes to the Amish, it's a-ok to completely shit on them. As someone who's not really religious but grew up with half of my family being Jewish, the rhetoric in this thread is pretty much what I used to hear some relatives from my non-Jewish side say (e.g. "durr hurr look at those Hasidic creepers with all their inbreeding," not to different from this comment right here:

        Not to mention there's a lot of weird eugenic shit in this thread (e.g. a comment where one person talks about "modern solutions" if the Amish refuse birth control: Jesus Christ...