At least online, anonymity plays a part, but the discussions seem to have a lot of masculine energy to them. Is it maybe also like music, chess, or comedy where socialization plays a role in the male dominance?

I remember 60% of Bernie's constituency was female, but it doesn't seem to translate online. How can we work to attract more women to the movement?

    • Pezevenk [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Like, I literally made a big struggle session post about that same issue more than a month ago, before this shit started, just leaving it here before someone starts accusing me of not wanting this conversation to happen or whatever:

        • Pezevenk [he/him]
          4 years ago

          I am not telling you the issue isn't real or whatever, jesus, this is EXACTLY the stuff I am talking about, just interpreting everyone's posts the worst way possible. I am saying that just because someone downvoted this post it isn't because they don't want this conversation to happen or because they're sexist or whatever the fuck, because people are now getting banned over downvoting stuff so this has to be said apparently. I don't disagree with the damn post. IN THIS VERY THREAD I supported its main point. Like, this sub having an issue is literally part of my first reply to you.

            • Pezevenk [he/him]
              4 years ago

              Alright, serious question, what did I say that might hurt someone?

                • Pezevenk [he/him]
                  4 years ago

                  OK. I am sorry if this made you feel that way but it genuinely isn't what I wanted these posts to be read as. I didn't want to dismiss the concerns, as I said the reason I posted this was about the downvotes in particular because there are tons of reasons why someone might want to downvote something. It wouldn't be a big deal and I wouldn't feel like I should say that if banning people according to what they downvote wasn't a policy.

                  Also maybe my responses came off more aggressive than I wanted because (not just due to this sub but other places too) lots of people are extremely suspicious towards other people all the time, and they just take the most uncharitable interpretation of what they're saying just to dogpile on them, and it makes everything very miserable and exhausting. That's what I thought you were trying to do when you said I was complaining about people making a fuss about this issue in general rather than just the specific part about the downvotes. And yeah I don't think all of the downvotes the post received were of the kind I said.

    • Pezevenk [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Ummm no? I think people have to stop the dumb downvote thing, I didn't object to this kind of conversation. Another thing people have to stop is twisting what others are saying.