I've seen two libs say that everyone in Kentucky is an inbred hick since McConnell shot down the $2K checks and another say that Kentuckians should never live down McConnell being in power so long.

None of them live here.

McConnell is massively unpopular.

The Democratic Party here tries to use that to shove garbage blue dogs down our throats.

The blue dogs eat shit because they're even more unpopular than McConnell.

Kentucky politics suck ass

  • Washburn [she/her]
    4 years ago

    Support for Booker during the primary near me was really encouraging. During the last week or so, I thought we might actually have had a candidate that could beat McConnell.

    Charles Booker has ended up being a Sanders-like figure for a few well-meaning libs I know. They were disillusioned after he got ratfucked the same way that I was after Bernie's loss in 2016, and are quickly coming to the left.