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  • hogposting [he/him,comrade/them]
    3 years ago

    There's also the matter of how every single congressional Democrat could vote for it and it still wouldn't pass. Anyone who wants to feign support could do so without any real risk.

        • aqwxcvbnji [none/use name]
          3 years ago

          Using the one time you have leverage (becaus e we all know Biden's gonna be terrible, so the dems lose the house in 2022) to get a vote on medicare for all (which is extremely popular) during a deadly pandemic when millions just lost their employer-based healthcare isn't the way forward?

          How much better do the conditions need to be?

          • hogposting [he/him,comrade/them]
            3 years ago

            There is no leverage here, because no matter what we do we're not getting M4A out of this. We're not even getting a list of people who oppose M4A -- we already know that, we just had a primary where it was an issue.

            • aqwxcvbnji [none/use name]
              3 years ago

              There is no leverage here, because no matter what we do we’re not getting M4A out of this

              There is leverage, because nobody becomes speaker if that person doesn't have a majority of the votes. No republican will ever vote for a democratic candidate for speaker, so just 5 progressives (we already have those numbers) can block congress from functioning normally for as long as they want.

              We’re not even getting a list of people who oppose M4A – we already know that, we just had a primary where it was an issue.

              You and I know that. But class struggle is build by engaging in the same fight over and over again, and broadening the group of people who you're influencing in that proces.

              • hogposting [he/him,comrade/them]
                3 years ago

                so just 5 progressives (we already have those numbers) can block congress from functioning normally for as long as they want.

                This would result in all blame for congressional inaction being laid at the feet of the left. "We were trying to get you another pandemic check, but look who's not letting anything get done."

                class struggle is build by engaging in the same fight over and over again, and broadening the group of people who you’re influencing in that proces

                I agree, but I don't think a January (losing) vote from a lame-duck Congress will do this.

                • aqwxcvbnji [none/use name]
                  3 years ago

                  I agree, but I don’t think a January (losing) vote from a lame-duck Congress will do this.

                  I think you're wrong. The radical wing of the republican party lost dozens of votes where they tried to repeal obamacare, and the fact that they were fighting so ferociously created an energy among their base that eventually led to that wing of the party winning the presidency with Trump.

                  • hogposting [he/him,comrade/them]
                    3 years ago

                    the fact that they were fighting so ferociously created an energy among their base that eventually led to that wing of the party winning the presidency with Trump

                    Was it the failed votes that did this, or was it the astroturf cash, the unrelenting media campaign, and decades of cultivating blind anti-government sentiment?

                    • aqwxcvbnji [none/use name]
                      3 years ago

                      astroturf cash, the unrelenting media campaign, and decades of cultivating blind anti-government sentiment?

                      Those things certainly had effect. I'm not saying the situation is identical, I'm saying they're similar in an essential component.

      • hogposting [he/him,comrade/them]
        3 years ago

        Say they do. We still don't have M4A. Congratulations, we've accomplished nothing. Well I guess maybe we gave some conservative Democrats weasel room in the next primary, cool cool