Don’t know why he wastes time criticizing him since JT doesn’t do anything wrong. Also really funny that him and other commenters are complaining about The Deprogram being like Chapo.

Upon deeper research, it turns out Day used to post on the subreddit to dunk on BadEmpanada, which is funny since Day himself has strong BadEmpanada vibes.

    • GarbageShoot [he/him]
      9 months ago

      The issue with this strategy that should be most immediately apparent is that bad faith can be difficult to evaluate and we've had well over a decade of perfecting how to string someone along in DMs indefinitely. A hypothetical Prudent and Polite Roderic Day can see JT publishing and popularizing reactionary hogwash, try to engage in DMs, and be stuck at that step for a week or a month because JT drags his feet responding, insists on tediously litigating minor points, misinterprets Days' assertions, etc., and if Day pulls the trigger at any point, JT can go "Woah, hey, what happened Rod?! We were having a private discussion and then you just publish it because I have a work schedule that I also need to keep up with? Are we communists or drama-mongers here?" just like he did anyway with the public statement. JT was already responding in bad faith in the two tweets we already saw ("passive aggressive", etc), how much should Day bank on JT behaving in an upstanding way if things are already going this poorly for The Discourse between them?