• DornerBros [he/him]
    4 years ago

    I don't think capitalists are driven primarily by ideology, some of them might be but it's an inefficient strategy that contradicts the profit motive and faces selective pressure over the long run.

    I see it as more of a tragedy of the commons scenario, yes a lockdown is good for The Economy but every individual capitalist and business has a strong incentive to continue operating despite the lockdown. If the state doesn't present them with enough disincentives, why not flaunt the lockdown for a quick buck?

    The bourgeoisie are in many ways just as disorganized and in conflict with one another as the proletariat. Of course there are other factors as well, like the huge pressure created by quarterly financial reporting and the genuine ignorance of Western "experts", I think the sum of these material factors paint a more robust picture than a predominantly ideological explanation.