She further replies to her own post with the following:

"the free market there, essentially what opening Cuba does, gives citizens tools of empowerment."

Original Tweet:

  • aqwxcvbnji [none/use name]
    4 years ago

    The more I learn about her, the worse she seems to get.

    How is it possible that someone like this is associated to Michael brooks in any way?

    • CommCat [none/use name]
      4 years ago

      don't trust "leftist" who are NED assets:

      So who is Nomiki Konst, and why does she sound like an intern for the Project for a New American Century?

      According to her own bio, she not only helps coach Hollywood celebrity wannabe’s on public speaking, but she has also been an active participant in NATO’s criminal destruction of Libya.

      That’s right, self-described leftist Nomiki Konst spent time training the Islamist opposition in Libya after the NATO intervention that deposed Moammar Gaddafi and saw him murdered in the streets by jihadist proxies after NATO drones attacked his motorcade. Konst traveled to Libya thanks to the National Democratic Institute, one of the subsidiaries of the very same CIA cutout, the National Endowment for Democracy, that funds Bellingcat.

      Beyond her part in bringing slavery back to the African continent, Nomiki Konst was trained as a “millennial thought leader” by the Truman National Security Project, a Democratic party-aligned, pro-war think tank that helped groom noted revolutionary leaders like Pete Buttigieg and Michele Flournoy.

      The Truman National Security Project was formed to create a “new generation of hawkish Democrats rethinking security questions in a post-9/11 world.” Nomiki seems to fit perfectly with the brand.

      Here’s millennial thought leader Nomiki Konst discussing her time in Libya in a 2013 interview,

      When it comes to NATO, all I witnessed was Libyans being incredibly grateful to NATO because it was so targeted. You’d go by these buildings where NATO struck the buildings and they just imploded, it was amazing.

      Even in 2015, long after the liberal hawks who pushed Obama to strike Libya had been wholly discredited and the country was in perpetual chaos, Konst stood by her support for the attack, tweeting that the neocon senator Marco Rubio was right about Libya.

      • CommCat [none/use name]
        4 years ago

        holy fuck, I haven't followed the radlib youtubers like Sam Seder in years, so now liberal war hawks are part of their crew? WTF is wrong with the US "left"?

        • PhaseFour [he/him]
          4 years ago

          WTF is wrong with the US “left”?

          It's deeply infiltrated by the State Department. But if you point this fact out, you are considered divisive.

            • PhaseFour [he/him]
              4 years ago

              I haven't seen any proof of that.

              Nomiki Konst and Ana Kasparian take money from the State Department, and Michael Brooks was ignorant of this fact. That is the most likely read I have on their relationship.

                • PhaseFour [he/him]
                  4 years ago

                  If he knew they took money from the State Department, and he did not disclose that to his viewers, that would be really inappropriate.

                • DSA_radlib_caucus [none/use name]
                  4 years ago

                  blanket statement like that made by anyone aren't useful. movements need to identify enemies, allies and threats and deal with them as such. Moreover media figures are not "regular people", but entertainers with their own agendas, which explains why people like Nomiki Cops flip flops so easily from neoliberal to faux left and back again as a branding exersize.