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  • aaaaaaadjsf [he/him, comrade/them]
    4 years ago

    From what I heard the only kids that got close to curb stomped were dorky white kids who couldn't see the racism right in front of their face and tried to come up with "gotcha" slogans. (The protests were about racism, a teacher called a black kid a heinous racial slur, POC students being discriminated against and rules unfairly applied to them, etc).

    • AliceBToklas [she/her]
      4 years ago

      My school's riot was over a Basketball game where the principal decided to pit the gifted students against the regular students and he had the whole school attend. Unsurprisingly this inflamed tensions between people and after some drama over a girl turned into a fight, the whole school went off, like 600+ people ran out of the gym fighting, and someone actually did get curbstomped on the school's metal stairs and lost like 4 teeth and had to have serious dental reconstruction and shit. Like dozens of kids got hurt and shit. The principal never admitted that it was all his fault and tried to punish the whole school for it but some parents told him to eat shit and that he should have known that would happen so he eventually relented on suspending the whole school. It's weird though, it definitely did have a race-related component to it but it was more of an assimilationist vs not thing since almost everyone who went to the school wasn't white but being in the gifted classes definitely was related to privilege.

        • AliceBToklas [she/her]
          4 years ago

          The whole school was pretty completely segregated between the gifted classes and regular, so I guess his intention was to have something to bring us all together for once or something? It definitely wound up playing right into the smart vs athletic thing which rightfully pissed off the kids who hadn't gotten into the gifted stuff because in addition to tests there was a lottery/chance component to the selections, as well as the kids who had gotten into the gifted classes and didn't want to be typecast as unathletic nerds. iirc the basketball game itself was close as hell too and there was some shoddy refereeing that pissed people off too lol.

          also the principal was an ex-marine who constantly brought that up and would give these long impassioned speeches about dumbass school slogans like "Failure is not an option"... (which is hilarious at a school where failure is very much an option lol)

            • AliceBToklas [she/her]
              4 years ago

              I was thinking about that on my last comment.... I'm having a really hard time remembering, I think it was either the regular kids won and that was when everything popped off, or everything popped off after the regular kids took the lead right before the end of the game. But I do remember that it wasn't because the gifted kids won.