I don't know how many people believe that there will be but...

Way back in the ancient times of one and a half months ago, there were some people who thought that everything would keep getting bigger and bigger until you know what happened.

I seriously doubt that there will be enough people who seriously intend to overthrow the government and have the means to do so in just a decade.

Agitation. Organization. That shit takes time. I can't imagine the time it would take organize an explicitly socialist (not succdem) movement in America. Liberalism has a stranglehold on the populace and it's not letting go anytime soon. The road to revolution is incredibly long and we've just begun to (maybe) take the first steps.

A lot of people are pointing to the coming crisis that's going to result in a large group of disgruntled people with nothing to lose. But a disorganized group of angry people cannot spontaneously materialize into a revolution. What's more likely is the succdems will swoop in, kill Rosa a second time, neuter any movements, and save capitalism. I am basing this on the principle that nothing good will ever happen.

A revolution here would require a very high degree of organization and coordination, without which any movement would eventually fall apart, as it has so many times in this country.

Everything's so fucked man.

  • Bread_In_Baltimore [he/him]
    4 years ago

    You really can't know what will happen but I can tell you that there won't be a Chinese or Cuban style revolution.

    There are lots of scenarios. The US could go full fascist for a few years and collapse in on itself, it could balkanize, it could somehow pull off a WWIII win and end up with another Imperialist postwar boom, we could initiate nuclear holocaust etc.

    • Godzilla [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Kinda makes you wish you could grab some popcorn and watch it unfold from the safety of the moon.