Surprised that this isn't the typical shit-slinging by western media.

  • itsPina [he/him, she/her]M
    4 years ago

    Pyongyang unironically might be the most beautiful city in the world yet mayos prolly still believe its the chicago of the east

    • anthm17 [he/him]
      4 years ago


      Nope objection withdrawn this is amazing and the authors aren't doing propaganda.

      • itsPina [he/him, she/her]M
        4 years ago

        There's some liberalism in there but it's mostly a good article. they say their guides studied in rome for five years yet also say DPRK is oppressive lol

        I can't fucking study in Rome and I live in the US!

        • anthm17 [he/him]
          4 years ago

          they also say they met a guy who supposed to be dead.

          North Korean Rep: We built a new building, it's beautiful look at it.

          American News: Ooooh, can we talk to the architect?

          NKR: He's not here right now sorry.

          AN: Did Kim kill the architect?

          NKR: No he's just not here right now.

          AN: Kim killed him.

          Meanwhile the architect is playing in the park with his kids or something.

          • itsPina [he/him, she/her]M
            4 years ago

            You see in the states it is customary for architects to permanently reside in buildings they design to answer any tourists questions. Those darn north koreans don't know shit about hospitality!

            • anthm17 [he/him]
              4 years ago

              3 years later:

              American news: We're here for a rare and exclusive look at North Korean life. We have a rare chance to interview everday North Korean. Sir, what do you do for a living?

              Korean Man: I'm an architect, I designed that building over there. Isn't it nice? It's based on a fusion of Italian ideas with our homegrown architectural ideas!

              American news: No Kim killed that guy. Why is Kim pretending?

              • itsPina [he/him, she/her]M
                4 years ago

                Kim killed that guy before falling into a coma and dying again. Very fucked up they keep bringing him back to life just for him to murder another poor architect.

        • spectre [he/him]
          4 years ago

          We were in North Korea on Nov. 9, 2016, with no access to the news, and our guides — surprisingly — informed us about the election of Donald Trump. We met the architect who designed the new Pyongyang airport (which was a surprise, as some media reports said he had been killed because Kim Jong Un didn’t like the design), and we discovered that he spoke perfect Italian, having studied in Rome for five years.

          "Wow we thought that the people were starving and uneducated, and at risk of execution by the Kims for any minor inconvenience. Turns out that many of them are educated, and that they are aware of major global events!! [Could it be that the news.... lied??]"

    • SteveHasBunker [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Eh, I don’t think it’s ugly like libs do. I’d say it looks fine but it’s a bit stark for my tastes. I’d probably prefer Havana but I do have a thing for Spanish architecture and old shit.

      If you wanna piss right wing Weebs off just point out Pyongyang doesn’t look all that different from newer cities in Northern Japan.

      • itsPina [he/him, she/her]M
        4 years ago

        Everything from the color palette to the architecture to the giant juche monument makes me love it's design. The metro stations are fucking gorgeous too. America sucks ass I hate this shit hole.

      • itsPina [he/him, she/her]M
        4 years ago

        Pyongyang is the armpits of my body cuz to most it's scary but to some it's sexy ☺️

    • AdamSandler [he/him]
      4 years ago

      I actually think Milan looks better but that’s fair. Pyonyang is in my top 30

      • kristina [she/her]
        4 years ago

        the milan skyline looks like shit though, pyongyang looks like candytown with a giant tower of doom in the middle of it. its a funny aesthetic

        • AdamSandler [he/him]
          4 years ago

          Yeah the skyline is shit, that’s why it’s lower down on the list. But I rate cities on things other than skylines.