Downvotes Are Reactinary, and thus they didnt survive the purge

“Better to Ban an innocent by mistake than spare an Wrecker by mistake.”

The State and Revolution

:lenin-shining: :unity: :kropotkin-shining:

The Conquest of Bread

AMAC and ACAB, sort by new

Yesterday’s megathread 🐊

Follow the ChapoChat twitter account :comrade-birdie:

THEORY; it’s good for what ails you (all kinds of tendencies inside!) :RIchard-D-Wolff:


Join the fresh and beautiful batch of new comms:

! :bloomer:

! :kanada:

! :flag-su:

! :aus-delenda-est:

! :left-unity-2:

  • glimmer_twin [he/him]
    3 years ago

    Things that shouldn’t take up all your time : internet drama

    Things that should: reading theory, joining a local org, bringing food to an elderly neighbour who is locked down, agitating your coworkers.

    This is a place to shoot the shit with other leftists, don’t spend the amount of time it would take you to read Kapital causing/engaging in drama here.

    I’m guilty of this too, my eBook broke a while ago so I’ve been more annoyingly online instead of reading history or theory. I’ve been arguing about Jimmy dore for gods sake

  • Coolkidbozzy [he/him]
    3 years ago

    I'm pleased that chud drama has led to a ceasefire in the chapo drama

  • maverick [they/them]
    3 years ago

    It's gonna be weird watching the down the rabbit hole video about chapo chat in 5 years

  • Sankara [he/him,any]
    3 years ago

    I can't sleep so here's my take on the "struggle sessions":

    Bans are good, purges are good, removing outright reactionary content is good. But at the same time I hate this fucking drama all the time, it would be a much better website if I didn't know people's usernames honestly. I love you all, but the culture of celebrity users and their problems is making me have the same browsing experience as I had back on niche forums in 2007. I guess it's inevitable on a smaller forum, but please calm down people, it's unhealthy to care so much about Internet stuff

  • breadandcircuses [she/her]
    3 years ago

    "Yeah the only way to moderate these communities is to ban heavily and as often as possible. This isn’t some ancom utopia, the standards should be high even if the users are mostly slob dipshits" — rebr0

    not banning users without a second thought is revisionist. uphold rebr0 thought.

  • CommieElon [he/him]
    3 years ago

    Going to take a break from this site along with other social media. I can't take the struggle sessions every other day. The most frustrating thing is I check the site once or twice a day so I don't even know what the drama is. It just seeps onto main and ruins the experience of the site.

    I can't tell whether there are legit bigots on the site or if the mods are just ban happy. Maybe hold elections for mods or something so we can hold people accountable?

    But anyway going to dedicate a lot of time to reading history, theory, working out, and finally get connected with my local DSA.

  • Zman51 [comrade/them]
    3 years ago

    Everytime I log in the front page is cluttered with drama and I almost never have any idea what it's about and I don't have the time to read the essay posts pinned on the top of the page. Is this site imploding or something?

  • HunterBidensAsshole [he/him]
    3 years ago

    I'm just here for shitposting, not to get woke scolded on a website of 12k loosely associated anonymous leftists about how I'm not organizing enough.