For those that haven't, it's the idea that a tree was alive and nearby a historic event. Picture yourself walking around Gettysburg, and you come across a two hundred year old oak. Historians and civil war buffs hold these trees in high regard because they are a connection to the past and to some event near and dear to their hearts. It's perhaps the only time a lot of people who are into CHUD hobbies will ever have a passing thought for a non sentient living thing.

Now that the libs have successfully toppled the orange man and his pet turtle or whatever dumbass, low hanging fruit insults they're using now...

Do you think this is an avenue to liberal environmentalism? Every single tree, animal, plant, and rock has been a witness to the new golden age ushered in by the man himself, mr white Obama, Bo Jiden! Maybe they will have to pretend to care for a second