I tuned into NPR for like 20 mins earlier and they also brought up the deficit coincidently


  • CakeAndPie [any]
    3 years ago

    Obama successfully tanked his own presidency. If the Rs hadn't run a literal private equity robber baron, he would have ended up a first termer.

    If Biden lives until 2023 he'd better hope the Rs considerately nominate Dracula because there's no way he gets a second term otherwise.

    It's going to be austerity, austerity, austerity ... for us. The system is functioning perfectly for the 1%, they will never willingly change.

    • OhWell [he/him]
      3 years ago

      100% agree with you. I've been saying that for years. Obama tanked his own presidency. He came in and proved how inexperienced he was and just wanted to compromise endlessly with the GOP.

      And 100% true too about Romney. Worst candidate the GOP could've run at the height of the Tea Party movement. I have long believed, that had they ran Trump in 2012, he most likely beats Obama. People forget how unpopular Obama was and the disappointment was real. It was still real in 2016 when many Obama voters turned to that same reality TV star who ended up beating Hillary.