I tuned into NPR for like 20 mins earlier and they also brought up the deficit coincidently


    • JoesFrackinJack [he/him]
      4 years ago

      it's all were gonna hear for the next 4 years. that is the democrat in office guarantee

      • OhWell [he/him]
        4 years ago

        That's what Democrats always do. They had a supermajority going into 2009 with Obama and all he was worried about was austerity during a recession and massive financial collapse.

        Biden has made it very clear, as he did all through the campaign trail that he plans on being the austerity president. He's even further to the right of Obama on this.

        They are lucky to even have the senate after McConnell blundered the $2k stimulus talks. My guess is that we'll get the $2k stimulus now (Dems are backed into a corner and have to do it) and then after that, it's just going to be nothing but austerity. Meeting in the middle and reaching across the aisle to compromise on raising taxes for working class and cutting benefits and entitlements. Biden is going to come gunning for social security. I think his biggest goal will finally be fulfilling his lifelong dream of ending it.

        • CakeAndPie [any]
          4 years ago

          Obama successfully tanked his own presidency. If the Rs hadn't run a literal private equity robber baron, he would have ended up a first termer.

          If Biden lives until 2023 he'd better hope the Rs considerately nominate Dracula because there's no way he gets a second term otherwise.

          It's going to be austerity, austerity, austerity ... for us. The system is functioning perfectly for the 1%, they will never willingly change.

          • OhWell [he/him]
            4 years ago

            100% agree with you. I've been saying that for years. Obama tanked his own presidency. He came in and proved how inexperienced he was and just wanted to compromise endlessly with the GOP.

            And 100% true too about Romney. Worst candidate the GOP could've run at the height of the Tea Party movement. I have long believed, that had they ran Trump in 2012, he most likely beats Obama. People forget how unpopular Obama was and the disappointment was real. It was still real in 2016 when many Obama voters turned to that same reality TV star who ended up beating Hillary.

  • fishnwhistle420 [he/him]
    4 years ago

    This is why I’m having a hard time watching stuff like Majority Report these days. They fall for this shit hook line and sinker every time and Sam Seder’s response is always “thats stunning!” Any time a caller says the whole thing is bullshit and we’re wasting our time with Democrats, Sam says something like “well I guess I wasted my life then with this show” like, no, you keep learning and adapting, you’re not dead yet Sammy boy.

      • Wojackhorseman2 [he/him]
        4 years ago


        Sometimes Jamey is cool on there but I like her better on Twitter. She can kinda be inarticulate and speaks really slowly on the show IMO.

        • TheBroodian [none/use name]
          4 years ago

          I get the impression that Jamie locks up anytime she starts speaking on the show because she's bracing for the moment where Sam shuts her up

    • JoesFrackinJack [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Sam seems incredibly genuine but i think he both suffers from much liberalism and pundit brain. I also think he serves a good purpose/resource to close the lib/radlib gap to leftist, Michael Brooks helped a lot (rip) but Jamie does a pretty awesome job when she can get a few words in. Sam is really smart and I'm definitely not gonna claim "he is hiding his power level" or something lame like that, but I do know he is very aware of who his audience is. He has been doing this for decades and still goes on MSNBC or whatever sometimes and I feel like he wouldn't say too much personally about some topics like who the national debt isn't real, but idk-- i really don't know what he believes actually.

  • Rojo27 [he/him]
    4 years ago

    The deficit excuse was being tossed around during the debate for $2000 checks. But interestingly never when the NDAA was up for a vote. Must be a coincidence or something.

    • Wojackhorseman2 [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Never when they printed 1 trillion dollars into existence for corporations last year at the start of the quarantine, not for the ndaa, etc.

      Curiously it only comes up when it’s money going to working class ppl 🤔

  • TheCaconym [any]
    4 years ago

    For those in the EU like me that don't know who Joe Manchin is, see here. Manchin has called himself a "moderate conservative Democrat" and is often cited as one of the most conservative Democrats in the Senate".

    Why that ghoul is allowed to stay in a party that presents itself as being the left one is beyond me. Also, his wonderful take on climate change:

    He "does not deny the existence of man-made climate change," wrote the Los Angeles Times, but "is reluctant to curtail it." [...] In June 2017, Manchin supported President Trump's withdrawal from the Paris climate accord, saying he supported "a cleaner energy future" but that the Paris deal failed to strike "a balance between our environment and the economy."

    Literally the "yes the planet got destroyed" meme.

    • SacredExcrement [any, comrade/them]
      4 years ago

      Honestly, he comes off as more cowardly then that. The cartoon character had clear convictions, vis a vi: capital over all else. Manchin is too much of a sniveling bastard to own that.

  • Janked [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Ah so that's going to be the excuse to not do anything now that they can't blame it all on EVIL 🐢 MAN?

    • ryepunk [he/him]
      4 years ago

      They're gonna talk alot about responsibility and taking the higher road to keeping the economy healthy (for rich folks) while they do functionally nothing and then become a shocked pikachu when Republicans surge in two years and take the house and senate because they did nothing for actual people!

      • OhWell [he/him]
        4 years ago

        I think the big question of Republican surge is going to be what it exactly will be?

        Trump basically has that party by the balls. The voter base loves and worships that big stupid clown and there are more than one elected Republicans who are riding the whole "election is rigged!" stupid train cause they also worship him. Most neocons and the "good moderate Republicans" that centrist libs love so much, lost their elections. The GOP seems to be in something of a civil war with the whole Trump side of the party and the old neocons like McConnell and the ones mainstream liberal media prop up as being good Republicans.

        It isn't a shock to me, cause I live in the deep south and that's the mindset of conservatives. They only vote GOP so they can prevent their daughters from dating black men; keep the immigrants out, put the LGBT back in the closet and to keep poor people from moving into their neighborhoods. The minute a Republican is out of office, they toss them to the curb and said politicians becomes a RINO to the base, and they need something crazier after that. This is the whole reason they love Trump and won't be moving on from him until something crazier and more fascistic arrives.

        My guess is that the QAnon people who won their elections are going to stick around. I agree Republicans are going to have a surge and we haven't seen anything yet. It won't be Trump coming back. It's going to be something more fascistic and a lot more scarier when it comes. My guess is that it will be something coming out of nowhere and a figure no one expects, kinda like Trump was. The era of the neocon and "good moderate Republicans" is over. Biden isn't going to have an easy time dealing with all the QAnon politicians that were elected.

  • Puggo [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Oh golly gee we'd love to give out more stimulus checks but oh darn we just remembered we had a national debt we need to be concerned about instead!

    • Wojackhorseman2 [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Ah man can we do anything about it with the debt guys?

      turns to the other politicians who mumble and shake their heads no

      Oooooh... shucks gang. Looks like our hands are tied. But yknow if you work really hard you can make you’re own money and you’ll have a sense of pride and accomplishment 🤗

  • zifnab25 [he/him, any]
    4 years ago

    Debt-posting as an angry mob chases you out of the Capitol Building?

    Is this how the Weimer Republic operated?

  • MasterCombine [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Yep, already seeing this take from Twitter libs.

    It immediately went from “Vote Ossoff and Warnock so we can finally get stuff done” to “Now hold on, it’s going to be a very slim margin and we don’t know how senators like Manchin or Synema will vote!”

    There will always be an excuse for why nothing can change.

  • proonjooce [he/him]
    4 years ago

    who tf is this money even owed to?? sorry i don't understand basic economics (i know it's all made up bullshit but what actually is the made up bullshit?)

    • Multihedra [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Part of US economic policy entails making sure the USD is the trade/reserve currency for nations around the world (it is achieved partly through running a trade deficit, which conservatives pretend to worry so much about).

      But, it turns out there are relatively few things you can do with USD when you’re outside the US. You can dump it into the stonks market (eg, SoftBank/UAE petrodollars). Or you can buy US bonds.

      At least, this was my take away from reading some of Michael Hudson’s Superimperialism. Essentially, the system is working 100% as intended for the US bourgeoise. Maybe some members of the lumpenbourgeoise don’t understand, or maybe they need to pretend not to in order to achieve some goals

    • glk [none/use name]
      4 years ago

      Enough is owed to China to justify trying to destabilise it

      • CakeAndPie [any]
        4 years ago

        China only owns a small percentage of the debt. The majority is owned by US individuals and institutions.

        If China wanted to sell of its treasuries immediately it could and the world would yawn. It would simply be exchanging an interest bearing bond for non-interest bearing currency... which is stupid, which is why they don't do it.

        But the debt is a convenient scary story rich people tell to the poor, so please remember to be afraid instead of wondering why Trump inflated the DoD budget over his term multiple times and nobody blinked, but there's no money for health care during a freaking pandemic.

    • Orannis62 [ze/hir]
      4 years ago

      A huge amount of it is owed to other parts of the government

    • CakeAndPie [any]
      4 years ago

      The federal deficit = savings bonds.

      It's as simple as that.

      Savings bonds are mostly owned by US individuals and institutions who want a risk-free return. Some are owned by foreign individuals and institutions who want a risk-free return denominated in dollars.

      The bigger the deficit is, the more savings there are in the hands of the private sector. Woo scary.

      To pay off those savings bonds, the federal government issues dollars. It pays off a dollar denominated debt instrument that pays interest with dollars that don't pay interest. It does this by changing the numbers in your savings account. There's no actual printing. If this kind of seems like a scam, it is. The point is the government can't run out of money, it is the printing press.

      Theoretically, if the deficit is high enough we might get inflation. We haven't had much inflation in decades and the deficit is plenty high already, but basically, that's the excuse the 1% give when they spend all the money on toys for themselves and need to pretend there's nothing left for basic life essential needs.

  • russ226 [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Weird how the dems are always so close to complete control or at least close enough to make positive change and out of a nowhere some asshole from their own party blocks them. Wierd huh

  • RedArmor [he/him]
    4 years ago


  • ami [they/them,he/him]
    4 years ago

    Money is fake who gives a fuck about the deficit just print more because none of this shit is real