Essentially he did the following:

  • Blamed the house speaker

  • Took no responsibility

  • Some fluff about being disappointed and embarrassed

  • Blamed Russian propaganda

Seriously, he didn't even skip a beat before launching into a lecture about Russian propaganda. It was all in the same breath, and clearly pre-meditated.

The thing is, we know this motherfucker was a Nazi who fought in the fucking SS. We know what the SS was. We know who the Nazis were. This is not Russian propaganda. This is just a fucking FACT.

I worry that this is a broader symptom of the re-writing of history to "both sides" World War 2: the notion that the Nazis and the Soviets were equally evil because "muh totalitarianism". We all know here that that is unequivocally untrue, and furthermore some Jewish scholars (correctly) argue that this is a form of genocide denial: by saying that the USSR was equally evil to the Nazis downplays the utter depravity and evil of the intentional extermination of a race of people.

To find out who the real MVP was in WW2 all you have to do is watch this video.

Furthermore, the notion that the Holodomor was an intentional genocide is a load-bearing idea to the double-genocide theory, as they need some ammunition to back up their absolutely baseless claim.

This whole thing just seems (for lack of a better term) Orwellian. All this cheerleading about Ukraine and the intentionally disingenuous media coverage of the whole affair, the whitewashing of literal fucking nazis and the fact that the overwhelming majority of people are just uncritically lapping it up is deeply troubling to me.

I feel like we are watching history being re-written in real time ohnoes

  • mechwarrior2 [he/him]
    1 year ago

    its "russian propaganda" insofar as acknowledging the facts would amount to a propaganda victory for Russia

  • culpritus [any]
    1 year ago

    if anyone is curious about the intentional famine narrative origins, I have an effort post about that:

    Gareth Jones's accounts of what was happening in Soviet Ukraine in 1932-33 were different from other western accounts.

    he was once on a 16-seat aircraft with the new German chancellor, Adolph Hitler, and Joseph Goebbels, on their way to a rally in Frankfurt. [literally a month before he wrote his first terror famine article]

    His writings for fascist American newspaper owner William Randolph Hearst were the first time the phrase "manmade famine" was used in relation to Ukraine. It started as anti-communist propaganda.

    Following Hitler's rise to power, Hearst became a supporter of the Nazi Party, ordering his journalists to publish favourable coverage of Nazi Germany, and allowing leading Nazis to publish articles in his newspapers.

    With “AMERICA FIRST” emblazoned on his newspaper masthead, Hearst celebrated the “great achievement” of the new Nazi regime in Germany—a lesson to all “liberty-loving people”—the defeat of communism. In 1934 Hearst visited Berlin to interview Adolf Hitler. When Hitler asked why he was so misunderstood by the American press, Hearst retorted: "Because Americans believe in democracy, and are averse to dictatorship." William Randolph Hearst instructed his reporters in Germany to give positive coverage of the Nazis, and fired journalists who refused to write stories favourable of German fascism. Hearst's papers ran columns without rebuttal by Nazi leader Hermann Göring, Alfred Rosenberg, and Hitler himself, as well as Mussolini and other dictators in Europe and Latin America.

  • Frank [he/him, he/him]
    1 year ago

    Yeah, this is exacty what is happening. Getting the whole population whipped up in to xenophobic bloodlust, while supporting the "holodomor" narrative and the double genocide narrative is intended to both corrupt the history of the 20th century, of communism, and to stain modern russians with these lies so dc et al can further their agendas in eastern europe. The "double holocaust" is also a hand-out specifically to baltic, polish, ukrainian, and other eastern european fascists whose ahistorical mythology requires the soviets to have engaged in genocidal actiions so the fascists can both justify their ant-russianness and anti-communism, while also creating the impression that the deliberate extermination of the Jewish population by the very regimes they admire was not unique or significant bc they fasely assert ehy were also subject to genocidal destruction, but from the soviets.

    Absolutely depraved delusions, and nato, dc, and the eu are going all-in on it to support their 21st century geopolitical strategies.

    • Ram_The_Manparts [he/him]
      1 year ago

      Absolutely depraved delusions, and nato, dc, and the eu are going all-in on it to support their 21st century geopolitical strategies.

      Yep. We are moving into a territory where "actually the nazis weren't that bad, they fought the much worse communists after all" isn't just something you'll only see from deranged reactionaries, it's going to become the mainstream consensus.

      And once that ball starts rolling? I don't even want to try to imagine what this might lead to.

  • a_blanqui_slate [none/use name, any]
    1 year ago

    Modi picked absolutely, unquestionably, hysterically, the best and funniest time to violate Canadian sovereignty with a bit of cheeky assassinating.

  • SnAgCu [he/him, any]
    1 year ago

    To paraphrase the citations needed on whataboutism,

    dawg if you don't like Russian propaganda saying you're whitewashing nazis, then start by not fucking whitewashing the nazis

  • GaveUp [love/loves]
    1 year ago

    History has constantly been re-written in Canada just like the US unfortunately. This shouldn't be new or surprising for the Canucks here

  • StalinForTime [comrade/them]
    1 year ago

    Trudeau's response is a distillation and perfect example of the type of response to always expect from these explicitly, ideologically committed, upper-class liberals (i.e. not just, like, your lib mum who doesn't know better) with some understanding of power.

    They will never concede. They will never admit they were wrong. Always backtrack. Move the goalposts. Change meaning, assumptions ad hoc. Never trust these people. Don't waste your time trying to radicalize upper class people who seem even somewhat to be genuinely, explicitly, self-consciously liberal.