honestly have you ever seen a goat eye up close? they look like... uh... inverted jellyfish? sea anenome? pretty wild, i wonder if there's some weird light diffraction that goes on there

  • glimmer_twin [he/him]
    4 years ago

    I saw a cool infographic about different kinds of eyes/pupils on different species before. Predators have eyes on the front of their head facing forwards with round (or slit) pupils because we need good depth perception/ability to focus on prey, prey animals (like our friend here) have eyes on the side of their head and those weird... hourglass? Shaped pupils because they need as close to 360 degrees of vision as they can to spot approaching predators.

    I wish I could easily find the infographic, it was cool, had bug eyes and stuff on it too.

    (Ayy I found it https://i.redd.it/540fw8rt7bx31.jpg)

    • breadandcircuses [she/her]
      4 years ago

      ok that infographic is awesome. there are way more types of pupils than i thought!!! eyes are so complex, it really makes sense that for so long they were the biggest piece of evidence for intelligent design ahah