Biden is complete shit and we all know that. But I'm absolutely TIRED of acting like "poor Mississippi farmers" and others who vote red are incapable of realizing that Trump and the republicans are a fascist party and a capitalist party who fundamentally hate them. PEOPLE ASSUME THAT THOSE VOTERS ARE ACTING IN GOOD FAITH, AND THEY ARE NOT. They are not ignorant. They are aware of what they are doing. They believe that government doesn't work, and they always act to obstruct at every turn. They are not educated in Marxism, but they sure as hell can recognize evil. And they do recognize it, and they are choosing to support it. Damn I need to log off
and then you add authoritarian religions into the mix, which most southern christianity very much is, and these poor fucks never had a chance. be angry at the system that made them. they could have been people. it's not their fault that they're not.
but also, you know, don't cry over splilled nazi.
and their black peers, who are at LEAST as poor, and at LEAST as hungry aren't half as wracked by delusion.
so maybe these fucks don't deserve an ounce of our fucking sympathy and there's no god damn excuse.
but also maybe the sympathy is required to educate them, whether they deserve it or not.
and maybe they can just go get fucked because they're not worth it, and there are comrades, or would-be comrades of color clinging to bare life in those same fucking places, and they deserve our effort and compassion a shit-ton more. people whose elders fought and sometimes died in the streets for the barest pretense of decency. who have already struggled. who have already done more than their part, and deserve our comeraderie more than the 'poor white fascist'.
maybe, maybe if there's anybody who can get the poor white fascist woke, it's the PoC in their community, who have literally any cultural identifier in common other than whiteness, the one fucking cultural identifier we really don't need them to cling to any tighter?
That last paragraph is the correct take. The Battle of Blair Mountain, for example, was not some white miners strike but a multiracial coalition of labour working in solidarity, with substantial African American leadership.
The way to fix this is to make the rural rank and file chuds not chuds anymore, but this can best be done by uniting all the workers of the region and pointing them at the real enemies.
but what I'm saying is, you don't fix a CHUD by giving it money. you fix it by networking it with non-chuds in ways that wear down its ability to be a CHUD. the people best positioned to do this are the people who are in the EXACT same demographics, but with melanin. who did NOT, as a population, turn into bigoted shit stains, and very much DO need our help and support.
which is to say: if you want to help white CHUD farmers because you just absolutely NEED to have sympathy for the devil, the best vector is helping rural black farmers.
yeah... well.... that's really unsatisfying! argue with meeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
Uhhhhh, it'll have to be done carefully with plenty of broad based community programs sprinked in to benefit all and solidify solidarity, to stop the chuds from chuddening down out of jealousy?
Did I flamewar right?
I'm sure that all the people who kept going on about how BLM was out razing cities in order to help Biden steal the election were actually just worried about the "working class".
Poor Mississipi farmers barely making enough to eat: Pelosi is running a pedophilia ring where she and (((her friends))) ritually sacrifice children and the Lügenpresse refuses to report it
I think it's just making fun of idpol libs who are eager to stick it to trumpers, you're taking dumb memes too seriously
How is it taking something too seriously to ask how part of the meme is relevant? Seems weird to say lol
It just seemed like the comment was a bit aggressive IMO. I mean I just think it's not that deep lol
Just seems like stpidpol shit at a time when this website needs less of that.
I'd think that the Hollywood PMC referred to here don't conceive of white trans males? I see barely anything from PMC types about trans males generally
What does ANY of that have to do with "poor Mississippi farmers"?
Trade wars fucked up things for some farmers but I remeber there being like a relief bill for them last year.
Did material conditions actually get better under trump for them? I wonder they he has so many die hards
The standard deduction doubled, so that's another direct cash infusion for a lot of people at lower income levels