childishpizza [she/her]

  • 18 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: August 2nd, 2020


  • childishpizza [she/her]
    tomainI am sick of being in pain.
    4 years ago

    Thank you so much, I am so glad there are people here who have experience with/knowledge of BPD as it is the type of illness that completely distorts the lens through which one sees the world and consequently the situations we experience/put ourselves through. Unstable relationships, emotional intensity, feelings of emptiness, attachment anxiety, pain so much fucking pain, it is all so exhausting honestly. Of course you also brought up an excellent point that is that the system is as much at fault for my mental health issues as is my biology. I’ve lived my whole life under global capitalism, and only a few years ago did I get into politics and realized there were other options out there and that the society that I was born into, devoid of empathy, true human connections, intellectual gratification and of anything that could possibly bring a meaning to one's existence, wasn't all there was. Overall, you are right I am going to take it easy on myself and try my best to overcome this with the resources I have available to me.

  • childishpizza [she/her]
    tomainI am sick of being in pain.
    4 years ago

    Wow thank you so much for taking the time to type all of that out.

    Firstly I’m not a PhD student, I wish, I’m in my first year of college lol.

    You’ve honestly perfectly described how I feel, I’m very sorry to hear you relate to it. I often think that the only things that seem to make life seemingly worth living are essentially finding a sense of personal identity, which includes molding your values, beliefs, interests and acquiring all the knowledge that goes along with that, and subsequently sharing who you’ve created for yourself with others. And thus far I have had a hard time with the second one. But you’re right we can’t give up, it is important to be aware of the hopeful undertone to life, and to find comfort in the idea that somehow some way something out there wants things to work out for the best. If they left it was because it wasnt worth it.

    It’s hard comrade, but we’ll get through this. I am in pain, but it won’t last forever as you said, congratulations on learning to live with the loneliness. I know one say you wonr need that skill anymore though. Stay strong, comrade, keep up the good work. 💜

  • Thank you. I’ve been trying to remind myself that this is not the only path available, ideally i do find my niche of people and have a good time but if i don’t then there’s nothing wrong with transferring. Right now my biggest issue is sort of coming to terms with the uncertainty as I cannot possibly predict how my experience you’ll be, I guess I’m gonna try to not let those anxious thoughts eat away at me and just ship in and head for whatever life’s planned for me.

  • childishpizza [she/her]
    tomainfuck r/neoliberal has stooped so low
    4 years ago

    Literally all libertarians and neo-liberals are is rebranded conservatives and fash’s who distanced themselves from those movements due to wanting to be in a polyamory relationship with some deviant art version of Natsuki and cocaine.

  • childishpizza [she/her]
    tomainfuck r/neoliberal has stooped so low
    4 years ago

    Well I mean they could always adopt a socialist system and nationalize natural resources and the means of production, so workers could eat for a change and actually be their own bosses instead of being enslaved by multinationals? Oh wait I quote your favorite Norman Bates-like friend “We coup whoever we want” and man social justice and national afirmation will get you a friendly visit from the CIA faster than they stuck a knife up Gaddafi’s ass. I guess in your bourgeois bootlicker view that’s just the way it is, hey how about you just buy 5x more sweaters so you can help them out because that’s totally how capitalism works?

  • you will grow disenfranchised with the material world and search for the spirituality within the self and the universe.

    just as the lucy high is wearing off your comrades will suggest you now roll. as you all lie naked on the grass you feel this sudden wave of empathy and appreciation for the fundamental raw-ness and purity of the human kind as you realize how much capitalism and social darwinism have corrupted our species.

    as you vibe to the goa trance playing in the background and stare at the vast night sky you feel more and more in touch with Monad, as the hatred, intolerance and utter vapidness that once reigned in your heart have now been replaced with love, compassion and child-like curiosity for the metaphysical realm.