• RNAi [he/him]
    4 years ago

    I wish, but no, they will go full fascism and snuff even a big chunk of GenZ if necessary in order to prevent any improvement in the material condition of workers. Like, no kidding, the secret police abducting people wont stop even for a second after Biden's inaguration, hell whoever wins the secret police will "work" faster and harder.

    Also, if you can read spanish, I recommend you "Nunca Más".

    • Samsara [he/him,he/him]
      4 years ago

      At this point, the scope of revolution is dead. The military heavily outweighs anything protestors can ever do.

      Back in the day it was a soldiers rifle vs a prole's pistol or refurbished farm tool. Now its $15k dollars of equipment vs a rifle at max.

      The age of revolutions is over. All we have now is protesting day in and day out in the hopes that the capital class throws us scraps. Sorry for the doomposting.

      • Dear_Occupant [he/him]
        4 years ago

        LMAO how can you say "the age of revolutions is over" when the US is empire falling apart? The age of revolutions has just begun.

          • Dear_Occupant [he/him]
            4 years ago

            Well just remember that the world is bigger than this failing country. Also, regarding our chances domestically, people with fewer resources have faced higher odds and won, but giving up guarantees defeat. Myself, I've got absolutely nothing else to live for.

      • LeninWalksTheWorld [any]
        4 years ago

        The NLF (Viet Cong) and the Taliban would like a word with you. You don't go toe to toe with the US military, you bleed them dry in a people's protracted war if necessary. In such a situation time is on the side of the guerillas, as their very existence is a continuous threat to the government's legitimatcy and a humiliation. Each flight of a jet plane or drone, every laser guided missile, every day a ground force has to remain mobilized costs millions of not billions of dollars.

        For example, the Taliban would pay some villager $3 to go on top of hill by a military base, unload a mag from a AK47 in the general direction of the base and then immediately leave. The base would then be placed on high alert, search and response teams would have to be mobilized, maybe they'd fly up a helicopter to look around. Of course they'd always find nothing, as the villager had already went home and had dinner while the American soldiers were trampling through the mountains looking for a Taliban strike team that didn't exist. The Americans would then return back to base tired and demoralized.

        Once the base had been declared safe again and all the soldiers had settled in to rest, another villager would come and shoot off another mag at them, forcing them to go through the whole process over again because if it was a strike team they'd be fucked if they ignored it. And they'd do this everyday, week after week, month after month, year after year. Cost for the Taliban? $20 and some 50 year old Soviet military surplus. Cost for the Americans? Hundreds of gallons of fuel, the soldier's morale, disruption to the base's function, national pride. Hell if the locals were feeling ambitious maybe they'd leave a few IEDs around a blow up a truck or a guys right leg. That's another news story back in the states, another asset lost to the quagmire with nothing to show for it. And if some fustrated "operator" decides to take it out on a local Afghan?? Well he's just made all their male relatives and friends Taliban sympathizers if not fighters. That's asymmetric warfare in a nutshell right there, done by the best in the business.

        Now look at the state of Afghanistan. The Taliban control like 75% of the country, the president has been basically reduced to being the mayor of Kabul, despite the US dumping trillions of dollars and thousands of troops into this conflict. Just in February the American Empire was forced to the negotiation table with the Taliban and is straight up about to run away with it's tail between its legs.

      • Straight_Depth [they/them]
        4 years ago

        Nah, look: those DHS goons, for instance, are fully decked out in better kit than the stormtroopers that get sent out to terrorize the middle east but they're still human. They scream, they bleed, they die. A rifle, and enough people to use them is all you need. The paramilitaries are a bunch of big babies and cowards at heart. All that kit is for intimidation. They have no stomach for a sustained fight, because they've never been in one, and never will. The day people fight back for real is the day a good number of them will turn in their badges because dying ain't worth it: they've got mortgages on their identical cookiecutter surburban hellscape mansion and paying off the 6 year lease on their $80k Chevy to take care of. They're not gonna actually put their ass on the line because they have far too much to lose for real.

        They thrive on their myth of bravery, sacrifice, and working the most dangerous job in the world. But when it will become time for them to actually be put in danger, they will fold.

        • WoofWoof91 [comrade/them]
          4 years ago

          A rifle, and enough people to use them is all you need.

          Until you get strafed by a gunship and have no response