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  • Koa_lala [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Continuing my tired wordvomit. Now that I am annoyed enough to vent about it.

    First of all. The visitors who are here for fun don't need to be constantly reminded of moderation decisions and the meta drama bullshit of users. It kills the site. This place stops being a fun forum and becomes a warzone for meta drama bullshit 99% of visitors don't give a flying fuck about.

    Second of all. We need better ways of protecting yourself. Block lists, filtering. Basic shit any social site has nowadays so you can fucking decide yourself what shit you are tired of seeing.

    We need IP bans. It's not perfect but it will make ban evasion more annoying. Annoying enough to weed out at least 10% of wrecking assholes who are too dumb or lazy to bother with vpns.

    I'm tired but maybe I'll finish my thoughts on a few other posts later.

    • Koa_lala [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Speaking of bans. There are definitely more than a few instances where bans were just uncalled for and It only served to escalate things further. Note: I am not talking about instances of transphobia here.

      We need context. We need clear rules, guidelines and consistency in moderation. When a person is banned we need to see which of those rules or guidelines were broken. We need to clearly see references to all instances that led to that decision. The current mod log is not capable of providing that. When a user is banned, and we want to actually be transparent, we need to show users the whole history of infractions with notes and context. We also need to give users a formal way to file a ban appeal.

      And please cut out the snarky bullshit ban reasons. Be descriptive but we don't need "see yaaa bitch" as a ban reason. If you are that pissed off, log off. Let another mod handle it. Seriously.

      I know how bad people can get. They can get really fucking bad. If it is affecting your mental health. Stop. Please take care of yourself. Let another person, less affected by it take it on.

      That brings me to abuse of the mod team. There should be zero tolerance of herassment of moderators, developers or admins. There should be a formal way to complain but anything crossing the line of basic decency should not be accepted. So don't think I am letting you of the hook here, asshole user who thinks I am just ripping on the mod team in this comment. That's not what's happening. I care for this community the team and I want us to be better.

      • Koa_lala [he/him]
        4 years ago

        Give each other a fucking break once in a while too. Literally everyone on here has their shitty moments. Their dumb takes. Emotional outbursts. Humans will never be completely perfect.

        The moments where I went too far, or reacted out of proportion. The people who were like *are you alright?' were the ones who were able too snap me out of it.

        In a community like this there is bound to be a lot of trauma, depression, pent up rage for obvious reasons. I think we need to acknowledge that.

        thank you for listening to my ted talk.

    • Polemarchos [none/use name]
      4 years ago

      I only lurk now but some fucking how there's a notice about the same drama every time i log in. It's been months i refuse to believe the kerry posters are this dedicated.

      • Koa_lala [he/him]
        4 years ago

        Wreckers has become a catch all term for groups of users that want to fuck with this site. Which are very much a real and active thing that is going on.

        • Polemarchos [none/use name]
          4 years ago

          That term originates in trot circles that inevitably destroy themselves via drama and half hearted obsession with purity.