Drama is when your friend starts talking to your crush behind your back or spreads rumors and shit. People being attacked and belittled for the way they are and their accompannying struggles is not "drama," its bigotry and it could literally turn this site into some kind of stupidpol or redscare fucking cesspool or much worse.

If you dont wanna stick your nose in any of these issues, thats ok, but just dont minimize the struggles of trans peoples. Literally pretending none of this is happening would be more constructive than punching down on people who just want to be treated with respect and have their voices heard. But ideally, please be a true ally and try to activelly push back against transphobia.

Just felt like i had to get that off my back, thanks my sexy commie comrades :heart-sickle: .

  • Phish [he/him, any]
    3 years ago

    Hear, hear. I didn't know we had such a problem with transphobia here. I don't think many cis people realize what's happening which is probably why they pass it off as "drama". The problem is, trans people here are consistently telling us there's a problem. It's time to just shut up and listen so we can be better comrades to them.