this used to tank my mental health so bad, just constantly feeling guilty cause im not working and achieving shit like my peers, but then i realized that it's all bullshit and you can just enjoy your life instead

dont get me wrong, self-improvement is important, but hustle culture is toxic as fuck and makes people feel like shit about themselves. some people dont give a shit about careers and ambitions and just want to vibe

  • NorthStarBolshevik [none/use name]
    4 years ago

    Being a "success" is such a weird concept to me. Does making more money make you a success? I would think unless you are using that money to make the world a better place what is the point once you reach a comfortable level of subsistence. Is success having the fanciest job title possible? In my mind unless you are a doctor most "successful" careers are losers trying to seem important behind a desk. I just don't understand. I feel like it's just a way for people to feel important in a meaningless world.