this used to tank my mental health so bad, just constantly feeling guilty cause im not working and achieving shit like my peers, but then i realized that it's all bullshit and you can just enjoy your life instead

dont get me wrong, self-improvement is important, but hustle culture is toxic as fuck and makes people feel like shit about themselves. some people dont give a shit about careers and ambitions and just want to vibe

  • TankieTanuki [he/him]
    4 years ago

    I'm not trying to blame poor people or people's diets, I know lots of people are just trying to do that, and it's shitty. I'm trying to point the blame at industrial pollution and the alienating and sickening environment at large that we've created for ourselves, because I think it sets the stage for an argument for the radical transformation of society, i.e. communism.

    I'm not an anprim and I don't believe in rejecting modern technology, except for cars (all hail the train gang). I don't believe that criticizing civilization from a materialist perspective is any more privileged than criticizing capitalism.

    • uwu [she/her]
      4 years ago

      It's not about what you believe, it's about what you said. And what you said wasn't a legitimate criticism of modern civilization. Your heart is in the right place but this ain't it, chief.