Fucking PMCs man

  • SickleRick [he/him]
    4 years ago

    I definitely recommend the IWW's approach to organizing. OT101 has become a lot easier to get into now that it can be done online. Contact your local branch.

    My go to when they start shit talking unions is usually, "Hey, I don't know anything about any unions. I'm just talking about getting together to [achieve a specific goal]." If you can frame it as just a group of people trying to accomplish a shared goal, then they'll be about that union shit without even knowing it. It takes a long time, and it's not always going to be successful at first.

    • deshara218 [any]
      4 years ago

      i dont know anything about communism, i just want to take up arms to overthrow the rule of the rich to distribute their holdings among normal people. See? not communist

    • janmeso [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Good idea, I'll take the next training session I can.

  • anaesidemus [he/him]
    4 years ago

    In my country, union membership is mandatory. Do you know what the PMC's do? They create their own shitty unions that are specifically not about getting better pay and benefits for all union members but rather for people who negotiate their own contracts. The brainworms run deep folks.

  • ami [they/them,he/him]
    4 years ago

    I encountered the least class conscious, anti union folks when I worked at whole foods. Just lots of bootlickers. It was exhausting and I have nothing but respect for the organizers and people that have to stare into that tidal wave of bullshit everyday and still have the drive to keep going.

    • Express [any,none/use name]
      4 years ago


      An old one, but a good one to understand the phenomenon.

  • Koolio [any]M
    4 years ago

    I mean, that sucks, but it's also why there's that step of probing people's opinions on workplace issues / news.

    • janmeso [he/him]
      4 years ago

      You're right, I definitely could have been more discreet. I didn't talk about unionizing directly at all, but someone picked up on what I was getting at nonetheless, which led to people sharing their anti-union opinions.

      • funkfresh [they/them]
        4 years ago

        So back off and look for opportunities to educate. Only if it comes up though, and don't be antagonistic or annoying about it

  • deshara218 [any]
    4 years ago

    were just better off without a union, man. We make more money without one if you account for union dues. TBH management takes good enough care of us as it is, theres no reason to rock the boat. I love the taste of boot. It feels so good when they kick me in the ribs and steal bread from my children's mouth, mm yes daddy cmere let me kiss your toes ive been a bad little worker

  • Alaskaball [comrade/them]M
    4 years ago

    Okay I think I'm out of the loop on the lingo for this. What the devil does PMC stand for?

    I know we're not talking about private military contractors like how pmc is commonly used, or else this'll be a notch more terrifying.

    • Uncle [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Professional-managerial class. They're the people the bourgeoisie employ to deal with the working class.

      • Koa_lala [he/him]
        4 years ago

        Tip: they're not actually a class, just a subset of the working class.

      • Alaskaball [comrade/them]M
        4 years ago

        They’re the people the bourgeoisie employ to deal with the working class.

        So just like private military contractors but with less pew-pew-pew

    • hazefoley [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Marx classified class by your relationship to capital. When he was around you didn't really have middle managers types. So PMC was created to describe people who benefit from capital but don't directly own any (substantial).