Big Government seizes the assets during a free market exchange in order to put pressure on free people to comply with their totalitarian demands.
Sounds like this is going to be one more footnote in the Black Book.
"Venezuela used to be rich before socialism"
"We have stolen $40 million in oil from Venezuela to fight socialism"
SOCIALISM CAN'T WORK look, as proof, look at all these democracies that went socialist and had their leaders murdered by the CIA! therefore we should fund the CIA more. to stop the socialist menace.
Viable spending criteria include: Broadening and diversifying the community of victims of state-sponsored terrorism.
I am convinced most comments on politician Twitter are an op. They're astroturfed or something so nobody sees actually interesting tweets.
Stealing other countries' money to pay relief for victims of crimes you sponsored
"Money went to victims of state sponsored terrorism fund" lmao, should give it back to Venezuela or Iran then