I don't like to jump to conclusions personally, but it looks incredibly suspicious

  • longhorn617 [any]
    4 years ago

    I've been thinking the past day or two about how this event might have been two existing faction of the "Deep State" purging a fledgling third faction. In Carl Ogelsby's The Yankee and Cowboy War he theorizes that US politics from the JFK assassination to the Nixon impeachment is defined by a struggle between, basically, Deep State factions representing the East/Northeast (Yankees) and the Southwest (Cowboys). Yankees in the present are more aligned with Democrats and Cowboys are more aligned with Republicans, I think most people would agree.

    What I am proposing is that the Trump years have spawned a third faction, which I shall be calling Boaters. What's got me thinking about this is Pence's role in all of this is apparently coordinating a response to the events. I don't think Pence has ever really been part of the Boaters, as much as a concession to the Cowboys by the Boaters in return for getting to run, or getting the appearance of running, the show. He's there as a minder, and that, should the Boaters get out of control, to reassert Cowboy control.

    Now that the usefulness of Trump has come to an end, having a third faction vying for power in the Deep State introduces too much instability to manage. Neither of the other two factions wants to open a second front in their war, and as such they collaborated to compromise this fledgling Boater faction and smother it in the cradle before it could really establish itself. A bunch of people in power have potentially exposed themselves if they earnestly helped organize these events.

    This is just something I've been thinking about, not sure how true it is. I would be more convinced if some political actors with actual power or LEOs on the Boater side ended up facing actual consequences for their organizational efforts.

          • longhorn617 [any]
            4 years ago

            The Trump faction, whereas the Cowboys are what would now be understood as the McConnells or the Bushes of the GOP. The Boaters are more like actual fascists (if not actual fascists).

    • BookOfTheBread [he/him]
      4 years ago

      I think its just a natural schism in the republican "big tent", for a long time neolib con Republicans have been able to keep the more reactionary rightwing onboard by being seen as the only viable option for them, but with the rise of Trump and the increasing reach of far right media this far right side of the republican party sees that it doesn't need to kowtow to the neolib cons anymore to win and they can maybe even reverse the relationship.

      Centre/Left wing parties have always tended to be more split in this way with vying for power between centrist neolibs and sucdems, this is the case in most western countries. It seems to me that the right in the US has just hit a point of alienation between their two main groups that they are now having similar issues to more left parties. Hopefully it will rip them apart but time will tell.