Gladly helping your boss evade taxes but completely cutting off your husband because he cooked some meth? Yikes.

Edit: SPOILER: And then cheating on him with said boss and tells Walter straight up.

  • CakeAndPie [any]
    3 years ago

    A big chunk of the reason Skyler drives people up the wall into intense loathing / hating reactions (quote: "I hate her ever-living guts", quote: "I hate her ball busting, control freakish, white bread, housewifey milquetoast ways") is misogyny. She's a wife and the wife's role in a story is to support the male protagonist. 100%. No ifs, no doubts, no quibbling. Even if the protagonist is an antihero undergoing a downward spiral into crime and murder, the wife must help out, or at least, understand.

    Skyler doesn't support her husband in the wish fulfillment journey of weak nerdy white teacher transforming into international drug lord badass, therefore she makes a lot of people's heads explode with hate.

    I'm not saying this applies to any of you, I'm sure your reasons for hating her are valid and based on something totally unrelated. I'm just saying this is "a big chunk" of why Skyler is one of the most disliked characters in TV history.

    If you're interested in watching a discussion of the extreme hatred of Skyler and an analysis go check out Jack Saint's video, Why Do You Hate Skyler White?

      • CakeAndPie [any]
        3 years ago

        Yeah, exactly. The viewers are cheering on Walt and Skyler is the bump in the road, the unfun bitch yelling at the kids to stop having fun.

        I mean, the showrunners also had Skyler do all sorts of shady things to make her seem "complicated". It was an attempt to make her interesting next to Walt but basically it just removed whatever sympathy viewers might have for a person in her situation.

      • D61 [any]
        3 years ago

        I was never sure if she was intentionally written that way as a speed bump to Walter's story or if we're supposed to be so invested in Walter's life that we're seeing Skyler as he starts to see her. When she's on his side he loves her but if she second guesses him his love turns to hate. We're watching this all happen through Walter's eyes without every being shown an unbiased view of whats going on between them.