
  • ami [they/them,he/him]
    3 years ago

    At my last job during orientation they had us all in a circle and went around and asked us to tell the group who our favorite Office character was. When it got to me I answered that i had never seen it. Just absolute gasps and "oh my god you can't be serious" and then after that was over they had everyone say what Harry Potter house they'd be a part of and again when it got to me I said I had never watched/read it and by everyone's reactions you would've thought I had just shit on the table or something.

      • ami [they/them,he/him]
        3 years ago

        Assuming they read it'd prob be that obama memoir that came out recently. Saw a lot of lib acquaintances on IG posting pics of it when it came out next to a cup of coffee with a caption like "just casual morning reading on this lovely day 🌱☀️☕"