From a quick skim of the post history, the OP spends 90% of their time defending Boruto and 10% of their time defending Nazis.
“If Hitler just wanted to make Germany great and have things run well — OK, fine… The problem is he had dreams outside of Germany“
My personal favorite is "Stalin killed millions of his own people, Hitler only killed people outside of Germany!"
Which, holy shit, thanks for letting me know that you don't think of queer folk, Romani, the disabled or Jewish folk as people
We're 25 years away from US secretary of state Kyle Rittenhouse saying something along the lines of "The Holocaust may have killed 200 people but that didn't justify the Soviet war of aggression against Germany" on C-SPAN
I hate this timeline
A lot more mummified officials will have to crumble away before we see zoomer chuds in high office, may take longer than 25 years for Rittenhouse to get his opening
I’ve also seen the argument “Hitler was a genocidal maniac, but he had a plan. Stalin just killed people for no reason.”
Hitler, famous master planner who divided the southern thrust into the USSR and got owned at Stalingrad
TBH, he didn't have other options, because if he commited most of the available forces to Caucasus direction, the Red Army would just cut them off (and basically tried to do this after Stalingrad, although Germans managed to pull most of the forces out already).
Fair point but we can all agree he fucked up by denying the 6th army at Stalingrad to get out before the Soviets sprung the trap even though Paulus was begging for it. It's a small consolation that one of history's greatest monsters was a delusional fuckhead who got worse and worse as the war was nearing the end. But it's also pretty funny.
Paulus only began to ask Hitler for allowing retreat after the operation Uranus had started, and it was already too late. Breakout was discussed later, but it was deemed too risky, because if Germans left fortified positions, they would be easily overrun by Soviet tanks.
Hitler killed himself because he realized it was Ukrainians who were the true Aryans, while the degenrte Germanics backstabbed him
You might ironize but this is really the position of tons of Slavic neonazis: "Hitler had good ideas, but he fucked it up because Germans were just a half-Jewish mongrels and WE (insert specific ethnic group of whomever is speaking that) are the TRU ARYANS!"
I think by the end of this people are going to say Hitler was too incompetent
Attempts at balancing the equations of history and reality make for a slippery slope toward dialectics. You're reconciling away the future of white children!
Depending on my mood, the USSR was extremely antisemitic or a Jewish cabal that followed the ideology of Karl Marx, who was antisemitic or an elder of Zion.
I love how Marx, having Jewish roots and criticizing nationalisms, both German and Jewish, make their minds shortcircuit so hard we can see the sparks flying.
90% of their time defending Boruto
10% of their time defending Nazis
Sitting here trying to decide if I'm brave enough to make the joke that these are equally bad. Decided to just write this instead.
I called it they are actually doing "the holocaust was justified because of judeo bolshevism" now I have both bingo and a deep sense of concern for the future
"uhm, actually nazis gave us valuable medical research"
hmm, yes quite, face the wall, please
i once got linked a website which was basically a massive fanfic of how the world would look if the nazis had won.
in the faq the author was swearing up and down he wasnt a fash, it was just a thought experiment, bro, i swear bro.
this isn't a justification or a defense of them, but i gotta say every time i encounter earnest nazi proselytizing, i can't help but notice that the only way anyone would fall for it is if they were dumber than a dog who doesn't know anything.
It's not so simple. The world is not so black and white. It's more nuanced, more complicated than 1 side good the other bad.
Foreign backed coups can be democratic.
Nazis can be freedom-fighters.
And the genocidal colonial empires can magically become protectors of freedom and human rights.