TLDR: Read the post, :LIB:.

So what does this mean, TCFunnySexNumber?

Good question. It means I'm staying.

You must be filled with rage still?

I'm still fucking tilted that things have reached the point they have and if y'all think I'm going to be any less brutal than I have been, y'all have another thing coming. If anything I've realized violently dunking is the only way to instill a sense of solidarity in you shitlibs.

Hooboy so where do we go from here?

The site has so much potential but it literally can't go on the way it has been and not become a pretty, vaporwave Cumtown. So sit down, buckle your fuckles, and let me break down a few of the changes necessary for this shit to be welcoming.

  1. 🚨 SHUT THE FUCK UP. 🚨 Listen to your marginalized comrades when they speak of their struggles. Stop talking over us and open your fucking ears, you damn liberals. Cut the debatebro shit, educate yourselves on our issues, and ask questions instead of opening your dirty shitlib mouths to give your unwanted, reactionary opinions on our rights to exist. If you see someone being a debatebro about minority rights, just fucking snitch and dunk on them. Smash the report button.

  2. Site team will be expanded to include more marginalized comrades. This isn't me calling for more female or POC drone strike operators. This is me elevating the voices of comrades who you shitlibs don't listen to normally so they can dunk you into solidarity with their struggles too.

  3. Downvotes - they aren't coming back. If I have to explain why, then you're either new or haven't been listening. See point #1. We'll be updating the site's design to remove all downvote buttons Sometime Soomn TM. To all the wreckers who built downvote botnets: get fucked.

  4. Rebr0ist-TCSexNumberist thought will be upheld and refined.

  5. Other shit that's still in the pipelines to help you libs educate yourselves and get involved. Official announcements to come, don't shit your diapers too hard just yet.

So what are your closing thoughts having decided to stick around?

First of all, shout out to the admin team for letting me dunk on them so hard I convinced myself to stay.

Second, for the people who picked up Trans Liberation after I bullied you into it, you're worthy of both shame and praise. A lot of shame, but also a good amount of praise.

On one hand, this book was literally featured sitewide every weekend for 3 weeks. I even openly said in the original thread that I wanted cis folks to read it too. It shouldn't have taken a group of leftists so long to try to have an understanding of our struggles when trans related struggle sessions have continued plaguing the website since then. If you've come out of those struggle sessions and didn't ask someone for resources or even go to the fucking sidebar in !TEL in an attempt to educate yourself, shame on you.

On the other hand, the amount of people who immediately picked it up was really admirable. I shouldn't have to say this, but good on you for admitting to yourself that you were fucking underinformed and for seeking information. I've already seen some really good self-crit in the comments of the bully post and I'm looking forward to the discussion thread in the next few days.

As per usual in my times of uncertainty, I'm going to look to comrade Feinberg for wisdom like a devout Christian to the Bible.

Together, I believe we can forge a coalition that can fight on behalf of your oppression as well as mine. Together, we can raise each other's grievances and win the kind of significant change we all long for. But the foundation of unity is understanding.

I hope this has been a wake up call. I genuinely think things could be better if you all gave a shit to have an understanding of the struggles that marginalized comrades face. Have some damn solidarity and learn how to better fight on each other's behalf. I want to see you shitlibs reading literature on black struggle, women's struggle, indigenous struggle, neurodivergent struggle, disabled struggle, etc., not just literature on transgender struggle that I bullied you into reading.

Show us you give a shit and fucking do better like I know you're all capable of. Viva La Hexbear.

    • TransComrade69 [she/her,ze/hir]
      4 years ago

      kind of suspected this would happen tbh.

      I was pretty set on fucking off and doing my own thing with other trans folks, but I think being backed into a corner of the internet just pissed me off more so now I'm staying, continuing my reign of terror, and helping us pivot to something with use value instead of the five shitty let me bomb here memes in perpetuity.

      Has the admin team done anything to address how you were made to feel like a pawn who exists to look pretty and give the illusion that we’re a trans positive space?

      Yes, actually! They've all been following point #1 very fucking well! They've all been great at taking the beatings in stride, listening carefully to the painful shit I've said in our chats, hearing out my ideas and helping me actually plan a move forward around those ideas.

      I think you could all stand to take the most notes from @Beatnik who I spent like two hours violently dunking on in a 1-on-1 conversation. I really don't regret the things I said (and I really let the anger take hold of me and I ended up saying some really rough shit), but I'm genuinely impressed by how well he took it all and by how quickly he got to work planning and getting balls rolling. I've never met someone who takes criticism and gets to work on solutions as well as him, honestly. He's a great friend and a great comrade and I'm glad to work with someone who is so good at taking criticism because I've got a whole lotta complaints, lmfao.